Monday, January 12, 2009

the "Rest of the Story"

Hello Everyone! I know your all just on the edge of your seats awaiting the "REST of the STORY". I really wanted to make it all "Tierra worthy writing style" with my charm but honestly ladies....I just don't feel like it. The truth is for the last two days I have endured trips to the ER with having to have the side of my face poked and handled by needles! Let me tell ya....PAIN FULL! So on a recap, Friday night after work the cyst on my face was HUGE! My friend Amber F. described it looking like a small pregnant baby bump on the side of my face. Me pregnant? Yeah ...right LOL. I, on the other hand described it looking like a goose egg taking up residence near my cute little perky ear. To spare you all the nasty details lets highlight some of the better parts.

A) Cute ER male tech to bandage me up

Some of you might be noticing the highlights are a bit.....short....Haha well yep, it was just that.

They cut it open and let it drain. Then left it open with out any stitches to let it heal better with medicated packing inside the cut. Which will give Tierra a nice little scar to remember this truly lover-ly event. So every 48 hours I have to return to the ER to be seen by the same Doctor for more packing and more pain killer shots. At least as a resort to keep me happy, they give me the same ER male tech whom we're now on great friendly terms with and he stays and watches "House Hunters" and Who wants Clean House" shows with me as he prepares the room for the Doctor. Did I mention he's cute? Oh, and that he's REALLY nice? Who knew? Ladies I knew I was doing this all wrong in the dating department, just go to the ER and there's the cute men. I mean Hello? Remember studly Dr. Carter from the tv show ER?

So, ask me what I look like? Well, the cute male tech keeps apologizing and apologizing every time he has to re bandage me up because he has to pretty much keep my whole right side of my face wrapped up in gauze and tape. But, hey last night, he was even sweet enough to go and get me purple tape. He said he would have gotten pink but they were all out. What a charmer!!!

So, as of right now I'm at home on more pain killers that keep me pretty sleepy. I'm so sorry if I don't make it to your blog and leave a comment but know that I'm thinking of you and the cute ER tech I get to see again tomorrow :)

PS. This Saturday, even though I was bandaged all up and looked like a train wreck, I went and saw Twilight again for the 6th and last time. {tears} I had found out that it would be the last weekend showing and so me, Leah, Evan, and my sweet little nephew all went. Angelus was so cute, I wont say he loved it but he never asked to go home or when it was going to be over. I kepted asking him who he liked best on the way home and he said "DUUHH Tierra...the good vampires" looking at me as if I was stupid. LOL

3 Lovely FeedBack:

Ann Marie said...

That last picture better be in the deleted scenes on the DVD or I will be mad. Why was it cut??
Love it.. Love it...

Love the ER tech story. I hear them alot since I have a cute single Brother that is a Doctor. Oh the fun stories he has to tell.

Your tech man friend does sound like a charmer.. pink tape?? Oh what a good guy..

Why not ask him next time if he has seen twilight? Heaven knows you have alot to say about it! LOL!

All kidding aside, I feel for you girl. I'm sorry your still dealing with this, and that you have to keep going in. Your lucky about the meds though! :) He-He

Take care. Love ya. ~ Ann
Oh, and one more thing..
I saw it saturday with Bloggy friend Stacey for #6 also! SAHWEEET!

Heather said...

Like I said, you poor thing. Just reading it, I can tell you are in pain. Hang in there. I glad you at least have something to look forward to when you go to your ER visits.

I can't believe they are done with Twilight in the theaters. I guess it is because it is coming out on DVD soon. I only got to see it twice but I will see it many times once I get my copy.

Miss Megan said...

*OUCH!* Here's to a speedy recovery!