I must first state that I didnt watch the Golden Globes. Honestly I rarely watch the award shows of anything. But, I ALWAYS look at the fashion for the ladies and find out who won the biggie awards. So the day after the golden globes I had my TV on and heard a small buzz about Leo and Kate. Remember back in the day when Titanic came out and everyone and their mother, cousin, neice, teacher, friend had seen it like a thousand times???? Well, I was the one in 6th grade who hadnt seen it yet and I can remember perfectly well that I was the last one to see it in my entire class. Mother dearest refused to let me see it without her parental guidence. A.K.A Held her hands over her daughters eyes over the famous nude scene. Anywazzzzyyys I remember already being kinda in puppy love with Leo because I had fallen in love with the new version Romeo & Juliet {still LOVE it to this day} Okay, Tierra get to the point -----> I absolutely ADORE Kate Winslet. I don't think there has been a single gown that she has worn on the award shows through the years that I didn't love. She's Simple, timeless, and classic. Very Jackie-O in my book. First, I love the fact that Leo and Kate came together for the Golden Globes. And when I found out that they had reunited and made a new movie together...Inside I squealed with delight. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about when I say there's just certain actors and actresses in our minds that will forever stay together. That they just Click. To name a few....John Travolta and Kirstie Ally, Julia Roberts & Richard Gear, Doris Day & Rock Hudson, Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan, Leo & Kate! I could gooooo on but theres just certain movies that you watch and you can feel the chemistry between them. They play it out so well you actually believe the story and when that happens....AwwWww it's so bittersweet movie magic.
Favorite Dresses for Golden Globes 2009
Did anyone see the heartfelt acceptance speech Kate gave for the award for Best Actress? Well, I youtubed it and you must watch it. I insist. Over the years Kate has never won an award and though I have seen neither movies for the awards she won them for, I adore her even more for her gracious and truly humble acceptance. Watch all of this because it's truly very sweet and touching but when you get to the 4:05 time part listen carefully and just try and tell me you didn't get a little tearie eyed at the bid to Leo.
Don't EVEN get me started on Kate and Leo. Possibly my two favorite actors EVER, but together it's almost more than I can handle. I have loved Kate since Sense & Sensibility to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (and everything in-between). Leo. Gorgeous. I see him and I feel like a 15 year old girl again. Also an incredible actor - just watch The Departed, Basketball Diaries, (yes) Romeo & Juliet, Gilbert Grape, The Aviator...*sigh* He is my dream man.
Anyways, I DID watch the Globes (thank you DVR!), and I loved Kate's speech as well. Seems she gets nominated every single year, and GUESS WHAT? Never won! I think she's been nominated for 4 Oscars, and still hasn't won! For the record, neither has Leo. Kate is a classy lady and a brilliant actress. P.S. Have you seen Revolutionary Road? I am DYING to get to the theater for that one. Maybe I can convince my husband to take me this weekend...
P.S.S. I love you best-dressed list (although I would probably have to scratch Cameron Diaz off - that girl needs to get her roots done!)
I love dresses and I used to look at all the magazines at the airport (when I worked there) just to see the dresses. Thanks for sharing.
Kate looked amazing and It is wonderful that she won. She was not expecting that you could tell. All the other Actresses seemed to think they might win it. But her she was like La,La,La because she didn't think she would. Which I am a glad she did because she probably appreciated it more. She was cute with the things she said.
5 Lovely FeedBack:
I agree.. I think Kate wa my favorite. It was good to see Leo with her instead of some bulimic model.. They look good together.
You forgot a VERY important couple that is a must see together..
I love to see Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams the most!
Oh, how I ♥ the Notebook!
I'm going to have to look today online for the bad dresses. I have heard things, but havent seen any yet..
I wish we could hurry and be done with reading....I feel like I am missing out on so much around us.
I wish that normal life gave us more opportunities to wear beautiful dresses!
Don't EVEN get me started on Kate and Leo. Possibly my two favorite actors EVER, but together it's almost more than I can handle. I have loved Kate since Sense & Sensibility to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (and everything in-between). Leo. Gorgeous. I see him and I feel like a 15 year old girl again. Also an incredible actor - just watch The Departed, Basketball Diaries, (yes) Romeo & Juliet, Gilbert Grape, The Aviator...*sigh* He is my dream man.
Anyways, I DID watch the Globes (thank you DVR!), and I loved Kate's speech as well. Seems she gets nominated every single year, and GUESS WHAT? Never won! I think she's been nominated for 4 Oscars, and still hasn't won! For the record, neither has Leo. Kate is a classy lady and a brilliant actress. P.S. Have you seen Revolutionary Road? I am DYING to get to the theater for that one. Maybe I can convince my husband to take me this weekend...
P.S.S. I love you best-dressed list (although I would probably have to scratch Cameron Diaz off - that girl needs to get her roots done!)
I love dresses and I used to look at all the magazines at the airport (when I worked there) just to see the dresses. Thanks for sharing.
Kate looked amazing and It is wonderful that she won. She was not expecting that you could tell. All the other Actresses seemed to think they might win it. But her she was like La,La,La because she didn't think she would. Which I am a glad she did because she probably appreciated it more. She was cute with the things she said.
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