Monday, January 5, 2009

Ask and I Answer

Would you like to know the exact date of your death? Why or why not?
Wow! What A “what the freak?” question! I’m going to be honest and say Yes/No. Yes, I would like to know when my times up. Why? Time’s too precious. And I hate surprises. No, because I get nervous when something different is coming up that’s out of the norm. for me. So I couldn’t imagine knowing it and trying to get things done fast enough. Talk about panic attack 101

What are three "nevers" in your life?
Never liked cats. Never been in Love. Never owned Louis Vutton purse :(

If you could wake up tomorrow having required a new skill or trait what would it be?
That my hair is dead sexy every morning with no styling involved! That would be awesome don’t you think?

What book made you cry the most and why?
Believe it or not but never cried on a book. I think…though New Moon gave me a heart attack. Though come to think of it, I ALMOST cried at the End of Breaking Dawn because it was over!

Describe a memorable or funny experience you had on a date.
My whole dating life is a funny laugh out joke. Does that count?

If you could go back to any period in time and witness one event what would it be?
Oh tough one! Well….titanic has always fascinated me and for some reason I would have loved to have been on that boat or during the JFK years. I would have SO copied Jackie O and her style.

What do you think is the greatest invention to come along in your lifetime? Why is it important to you?
Greatest invention in my lifetime would be the Internet. That’s so dorky to say but it’s true. Think about…pretty much any info {all good} is at the reach of how fast your fingers can type.

What do you want that you don't have?
Are we talking material or Life wise? Material, ok probably a Dark Red 2009 Jetta. Life wise…A Family of my own.

If you had the chance to repeat one year of your life would you? When would it be and why?
Yes I would and repeat all of 2008. Why? Because it rocked.

What is a motto you live by? Explain.
I honestly don’t have a life motto. I’m the kind of girl who is a bit skeptical at things and so with that, I don’t make yearly plans or resolutions or life mottos because if I didn’t fulfill them I would feel REALLY bad and down on myself. I take things day by day and moments to look forward to. And just do the best that I can do.

How do you feel about questions like these?
I answered them didn’t I? No, really though I did this because it was a different set of questions then your normal “what’s your favorite color?” questions
I like thinking at odd questions. There intriguing and I’m nosy. Perfect match!

***I Tag Kathy, Amber, and Megan***

4 Lovely FeedBack:

Ann Marie said...

Loved to read your answers.. I may have to do this one sometime even though I wasn't "tagged."

How did it go today? I hope good!

Heather said...

What a great tag. This one makes you think about the things we take for granted.

{Mo} said...

This looked like kind of a hard one (too much thought for my little brain), but I loved learning more about you!

NutMeg said...

Would you like to know the exact date of your death? Why or why not?
Absolutely NOT! It's too much of a liability. I would constantly second-guess myself and drive people around me CRAZY!

What are three "nevers" in your life?
Never been to New York City. Never had a cavity. Never owned a gun.

If you could wake up tomorrow having required a new skill or trait what would it be?
I have always wanted to speak a second language. Perhaps Spanish or German.

What book made you cry the most and why?
Tuesday's With Morrie was a real tearjerker for me. Would you believe that I cried at the end of a cheesy historical romance about a vampire and a girl dying of cancer? Yeah. Balled my eyes out. I think I was about to start my period.

Describe a memorable or funny experience you had on a date.
I took a guy bodyboarding once, and he sat on the beach and pouted the entire time (he was worried about getting sand in his hair and apparently the water was too cold). Needless to say, we didn't go out again. Attention ladies: Don't date anyone named Jay Scoby!

If you could go back to any period in time and witness one event what would it be?
Just one? OK. I would go back to the 1920's and see Alice Paul and other women uniting to give women the right to vote. Plus I love the clothes and hairstyles of the time. Can you see me flapping?

What do you think is the greatest invention to come along in your lifetime? Why is it important to you? Well, since you went with internet, I'm going to have to say blow-dryer. It helps me feel pretty and I use it on a daily basis. A big KUDOS to whomever invented that little sucker!

What do you want that you don't have?
A garage. Or maybe new carpet in my house. Or perhaps peace of mind.

If you had the chance to repeat one year of your life would you? When would it be and why?
I think there might be moments I would like to do over, but I try to live with no regrets.

What is a motto you live by? Explain.
Fake it til you make it. If there is something you can't do, pretend you're good at it until you are good at it. It's worked for me!