Friday, January 23, 2009

Commenting & A Give Away

The Blogging Block. Comments. Feedback. Snoopers.
Over the last week I have been giving this a lot of thought. This very conversation has been many a phone call between my friend Ann and myself. She has asked the question on her blog, see here Ann, Old Fashioned Girl how much blogging is to much blogging? Blog everyday? Every other day? Then comes the question of comments. Feedback. And the “I know their looking, so how come no comments?”

For me, Lovely readers…This is how I feel.
I first started blogging after I lost my mother and wanted to let my mothers friends & my family know, that I would be okay. Then I discovered that blogging became an outlet for my humor. My release. In a way my “therapy” to just put myself out there and what I enjoy and love in this life.

At first, I had many a post with ZERO comments. It didn’t matter, I just moved on to what ever topic I wanted to talk about. And Heaven Knows, Tierra can Talk!
Before I knew it, I started getting more fellow friends to blog and other pages to go and snoop through.
Through this blog, I have met some amazing women and continue to do so.
Sometimes I have NO idea if I entertain you but yet I feel so tremendously humble that you follow a silly single gal with a flare for humor, boys, fashion and all things random & Twilight.

Busy Bee Lauren did a fantastic job of giving her thoughts on commenting by a cookie analogy.

To read her whole post, go here Busy Bee Lauren -Blogging
To me, I love getting the comments for the Feed back and to see whose reading.

It’s like gift giving.

I love to blog and I try VERY hard to make it entertaining and to express what I’m going through in this life. Sometime taking up 3 hours per post. So, say each post is like a gift. I take time and effort to pick it out, wrap it up with a pretty little bow and then present it to you. Then…Well? Did you like it? Not like?
Everyone, please scroll WAY down to the bottom of the page.

You should see two counting meters.
Do you know what this means? {Drum roll please}
It means, I can Seeeeee Youuuuu!
So Please, don’t be shy!
More then ever, don’t be shy!

One of my dearest best friends Leah
{who has a Fabulous blog, see here Wampler World}
Gave it another great thought that it’s like I’ve invited you into my living room.

{Nope, this not my living room...I wish}
You’re a guest that’s very welcomed but yet, your not speaking and were just sitting there.
All I ask in return is for your feedback. Because who wants to be sitting in their living room with no one to talk to? Well, unless you have Edward to read about but then that’s whole other story LOL

Are you still reading and with me?
emember how I just said more then EVER you need not to be silent?
In honor of my gift analogy I’m doing my first Gift Give Away.
So to you snoopers, silent or not, anonymous, to shy, not sure and all in between, this is what you need to do.
I have two prizes to give away and two ways you could win one of them.
but, before we go there lets recap. I gift/post. You feedback. Union of Bliss. Thats not to hard is it? And remember, I can SEEEE YOUUUU!
Now, on to the give aways. See below post.

8 Lovely FeedBack:

Anonymous said...

Hi Hi Hi I comment just to comment 'cause I feel like it and 'cause you never answer your phone. =0p Sorry but I must tease you. =0)

Amber F said...

You know, Tierra, that we all love you. I don't usually get to comment because I'm unlucky with the children and they tend to pull me away (sometimes literally). Or else they turn off the computer when I'm trying to write. Hmmm, I really need to work on that. But that doesn't mean that I don't love you...

The Wonderful World of Wampler said...

YES! YES! YES! You did it!! YEPPIE. I am so happy! Can you tell???? YEPPIE. Way to go T.
I love your blog...and an not ashamed to say it. I look...okay, I look sometimes 3 times a day. =) I love it! Keep making me laugh.

Ann Marie said...

You can see me? Oh no.. I'm in my G's! Yikes! Hold on.. let me get dressed.....

Ok. I'm back, and probably a little TMI, but that's me right?

I think it's funny that people have said to me that they don't have time to comment..They only have time to read it. Hmmmm. Oh well.

Some of my best friends read my blog everyday but won't follow me on my sidebar... To each is there own, and I have found that you have to blog just because you like to and not because of who is looking at it...or following you.

PS: I'm surprised that the living room there isn't black or Damask. What the crap? Are you joining me on the decorating with more white than black side now??? Ha-ha! J/K!

ps: Thanks for the linky!

Nancy Face said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me such a nice comment! :)

I don't always have time to read blogs because I'm making a big effort to limit my computer time and be more productive than before...but when I DO read, I LOVE to leave comments! Making friends is what it's all about for me! :)

Heather said...

I love it. I am so glad that you leave comments on my blog. Thank you.

I just read the other day about the top 10 things mommy blogers do wrong and one of them is they post about their children all the time. This made me sad because I post about Ayla 95% of the time. Then I thought to myself, who cares because I started this blog because I wanted to keep a record of my life and Ayla is my life right now. I also mainly did it to keep a record of Ayla's achievements and that is what I am doing. Both sides of my family love my blog so I do it for them too. Plus I have made some good friends like you from blogging.

I didn't know that the site meters can see if people are looking at old post. I have thought of putting one on just because I am curious to see how many do look at my blog and plus just to know who does, safety reasons.

Debi (Dubs2007) said...

love it love it love it, so nice to have you ask for what you want!!

such a happy full of life blog, it is so fun - I am so happy I found you! or more, you found me!

Shayla said...

Hi! I'm new here, but you are darling! Your "A Knight and My Never" totally just made me teary eyed. I'm looking forward to stopping in again when I have some time to read back further... so far, I pretty much think you must be an awesome girl!
Happy Sunday!
{Oh, PS. I dont know how correct those sitemeters are... I had one, but it always showed my BFF checking in from Boulder, Co! I'm in Idaho Falls now, but where does it say I am?}