Thursday, November 27, 2008


When you read this it will be or have already passed thanksgiving. So on that thought I couldn’t let the moment pass on my blog to share how grateful I am for the things in my life. As I look back on this year, it will truly go down as one of the most memorable. I have so much to be Thankful for and I think to myself how did I get so lucky? When you lose someone, without given a goodbye it makes you look at things everyday ….EVERYDAY…and think to yourself “when could this be the last” You see things clearer and longer. Trying to remember every detail. I was out driving in the car earlier this week and I thought about that old saying “time heals all wounds” and if it was truly true. I answered it by saying yes and no. Yes…time heals…but missing someone just gets harder. That’s where thanksgiving comes in. Everyday should be a thanksgiving because time…. is just too bittersweet. So I’ve brought together ten things I’m thankful for. Some more thankful than others but I had to put the Tierra style to it so here goes…

#1. The Savior. As I said before this year will go down as one of the most memorable and for that I owe my very being to our Savior. He is the Savior of this world and through Heavenly Father he gave his only begotten son to bring ever lasting life. This life. And my life though it has trails and faults…It also has joy. And the debt to repay him is endless.

#2. My Aunt Carolyn. No one will ever be as lovely and have such grace as she has. Though her name will never be in any history books and her life will never know the love of a husband and children of her own…Her life’s mission will be a mother to us all and I can think of no one who deserves more then this world can offer. She is my rock. My mom number 2. My listener. My Best Friend. And for always, I will love her.

#3. Angelus. No matter what happens in this life and if I was to never have any children of my own…I will always know what it’s like to have the love of a child. Fingers touching your face and the sound of happiness coming from their voice when they see you. My nephew to me brings the pure love of Christ to my soul. When the nurse placed him in my arms 2 hours after he was born he became a part of me that I never knew was missing. The way he laughs and the way he says my name will always full-fill my purpose.

#4. Cousins. To Carrie, Hailey, Melanie, and Alexa P. First of all you girlies ROCK! My whole child hood is wrapped up in memories with you. Each of you bring something different to this family and I know that our grandparents are so proud of you. Through trials and tears were always just phone calls away. I’m so happy to have a small part in the middle with you and that part will be there forever. Oh and BTW Mrs. A. P. Hicks..we all new you’d get married first and marry a farm boy--LOL

#5.Twilight. When something so special comes along that captures you body and soul, You hold onto it. And for that I will ALWAYS hold on to it and be thankful for Twilight.

#6. Snooze Alarm Buttons. Gee…who ever invented you…I L.O.V.E. Y.O.U. XOXOXOX

#7. Friends. Everyone always says they have the best girlfriends and I too say that but I also say I have the best sisters in Christ. To my cherished, BEST ladies at church…Kristy W. Amber F. You two teach me so much in example and I always look forward to being at church with you on Sundays and any other chance I get. Thank you for being such GREAT friends. Plus not to mention but you have AWESOME ears that listen when Tierra vents. LOL As for Leah, Christy, Ariel, Jenny S, Jenny B, Jessica, Amber H, Erica, Cori, Stacy, Kirstie, Ashlee…You ladies hold me up..Did you know that? Every phone call, every email, every visit..They all count and matter. ALWAYS. XOXOXOX

#8. Blog. As I look back almost a year ago when I started this blog, I now owe SO much to it because it brings me closer to VERY important people. Thank You Ann, Heather, Megan and Monica for such a sweet friendship and sharing your lives with a little gal in Tennessee who loves to wake up everyday and see what new wonders the blogging block holds. I PROMISE to make it to Utah this coming year.

#9.Music. Without Music I WOULD NOT know how to breathe. It’s as simple as that.

#10. Glasses. Oh glasses…What can I say but I’m REALLY sorry for losing you SO many times this year. How can I make it up to do? Yes..I’ve thought about buying one of those old lady chains to connect you around my neck so I wouldn’t lose or forget about you as much but really though…. their just plain tacky! Can’t we work something else out? Well, in the meantime let me see if I can smooth things over a bit and tell you JUST how much you mean to me. First, you allow me to see. Not only that but like a good owner that I am I took you to see Twilight---Yes I did forget about you at first BUT I came back for you.And so you were able to see Edward in all his Edward glory AND you are the bomb because through YOU…I{Tierra} got to see Edward in all his dazzle-ness. Thank You for allowing me to see that…For that is why you are on this list. Aren’t you glad you have so many girlfriend through me who help find you when I--the bad owner-looses you for the 100th time and come to your rescue so we can both watch another chic-flick? Wait…What’s that? You should have been number 1? Yes..You are correct i cant see a thing without but...remember that old saying...Save the best for last *wink*
. Happy ThanksGiving EveryOne .

4 Lovely FeedBack:

{Mo} said...

Tierra, I love your list! What great things to be thankful for. You trully have a very special spirit about you and I'm thankful I get a little peek into your life now and then. I'm super honored to make your list!
Love ya~ Monica

Ann Marie said...

Yay! I love gratitude lists!
I hope you will do more in the future.. They always make us all happy!
Love the things you shared, and like Monica, I also am grateful to have made the list. I count you as a blessing this year also....
You and Edward! LOL! Love you, and Happy Thanksgiving!!! XOXO

Heather said...

Tierra you are just too cute. You made tears come to my eyes. You are such a sweet person and I love that you don't take things for granted. I love all your Twilight comments. I am also glad that I made the list. Yay!!!

Miss Megan said...

That was really sweet of you to mention me on your blog Tierra! I too feel blessed by all the great people I have met on the internet and through my blogs. I sometimes try to remember what my life was like before I started this whole thing?! Happy Thanksgiving!