Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 5th

Today at 3:21 am a little black haired, little lady entered the world. I weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces. My mother would always remind me to remember that she went into labor before getting to finish her hostess Snowball cupcakes! I was early and like most mothers would say, I came with a strong set of lungs. Really? Who me? Talk and scream so much?? Why a lady would NEVER do that! I was as naked as they come and demanded to be warm! My mother recalls that when she finally got to hold me that I gave her a nasty look as if to say...."Oh my goodness, Your my mom? And you look like that?....She went on to write in my little birth diary that she had decided not to wear makeup that day and right from that moment, she new this little lady was going to be prissy. My name was suppose to be Tara or Ashley Nicole. My dad and her were trying out different names and different sounds of names and then my mom said she just blurted out "Tierra" and my eyes opened, As if on cue and then they new that that was it. Now lookie lookie I'm 23. And so Mom...Thank You for giving me life.
I know your with me today.
I'll go eat a hostess snowball just for you.... A pink One LOL

Music Theme Chocie: EveryBody Wants to Rule the World by Tears For Fears. My mom would play this me while pregnant. Said I would go all over the place!
Bonus Picture: Me after ripping through my birthday cake on my 1st Birthday

8 Lovely FeedBack:

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

Happy Birthday Tierra! What a neat story about your name. I hope you have a wonderful day and receive some of the things on your wish list.

Ann Marie said...

Happy Birthday GIRL!!
I loved your story too, and I hope you get spoiled today, do many fun things, and eat that snowball. I know your Mom is proud of you. You are such a good, fun girl, and it ha been a pleasure to meet you blogging!! Lots of love today..
~ Ann

PS: You need to post what you do, and get.. I wanna hear!!

Ann Marie said...

PS: I LOVE tears for fears.

Ann Marie said...

Did I remember to say Happy Birthday??? Happy Birthday!!

Ann Marie said...

Birthday girl needs lots of comments for her birthday!!!!
Even if they are all from me!!

Ann Marie said...

5 Things about Tierra that I adore!

1- You are so fun to talk to. Everytime you call, we can chat for a LONG time. Your fun!!

2- You have such great style!

3- You love Twilight and Edward, and The Cullens, and Bella, and Alice, and well.. you know EVRYTHING twilight like me! :)

4- You are so thoughtful. You are always helping out someone, and you take such good care of your nephew.. You are a choice girl!

5- You write entertaining posts that make me want to come back and read more!!

Hows that for someone I have never "actually" met in person??
Hope your day is spectacular!!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday Tierra, I hope you have a wonderful day.

{Mo} said...

Happy Birthday Tierra! Enjoy your day :) It's my SIL's birthday today too! Anyway, Happy Birthday again, Monica