Monday, November 3, 2008

Letter to a Mean Old Lady

Author Side Note: Before Reading take notice to new song choice playing in the background. Tread on to Reading.

Dear Yvonne {75 yr. old Coworker},
For over the past two years at my first working experience, I have endured the mean stares, the slight hissing going down the hallway and the rude comments made to me that I am just a fill in employee by you. This weekend you came to a big blow up with our boss because she asked me to do a job over you that we both do at different times. You were already on the schedule to do something else..but what did you do… you blew up in front of the whole staff putting me down to our boss and chewing her out ! You even resorted to being an immature teenager and telling her that you were not her friend anymore if she still kept me on that job. Well you know what you old hag…. Now you’ve done it! I’m mad! Pissed off! I have done nothing to you. Nothing! From day 1 you decided I was not your cup of tea. Well guess what lady I don’t drink tea so that makes two of us!!!! There have been rumors around work that this has something to do with my religion. Religious facts? Oh get over yourself Lady. I have NOT once brought my religious views into the work space because we have much diversity in religions going on that it would just be like walking into war. So, I’ve always kept my mouth shut and only spoken when I agreed on something or been asked a question. I have always been taught to respect my elders and you ----May I point out--- are my elder by a long shot at 75 yrs. Old! Aren’t you supposed to know better by now???? What did your parents teach you? I know what my mother taught me and that’s for sure is you always respect your elders. Two, be kind to all just like you would want to be treated. I have had NO ONE EVER treat me with such disgust as if the air I breathe offends you. And fore what??? I have asked all my bosses, all coworkers and NO one seems to know where this came from and why??? I have ALWAYS treated everyone with respect at work. I have never been called into the office over an argument and I can honestly say I get along with every one …EXCEPT you but yet have still tried to be nice to you. Ignoring you like my grandmother taught me when my boy cousins were driving me insane. Well, do you know what? I AM my mothers daughter and if any one was every told off by her then you know what I’m talking about. I can dish it out just like you can dearie. So you bring it on if you like. I have decided to take you head on. And you know how??? I Going to KILL YA WITH KINDNESS. PURE Miss Mary Sunshine or Mary Poppins--- what ever you choose ----KINDNESS. BUT, if you dare get in my face with a rude comment….I will dish it out grandma. And just maybe I get to use that famous Rhett Butler line from Gone With the Wind to your Face as I walk away and leave you in your darkness……
“Frankly my Dear, I don’t give a $%*# !!”
~With MUCH regard,

PS. May I send you a Christmas Card??? OR… I know…How about some Sugar cookies????? An Apple Pie for Thanksgiving?? Were going to be SUCH good friends :)

5 Lovely FeedBack:

Ann Marie said...

Ohhh Tierra!
I shouldn't be LOL, but I am...
I'm sorry something happened. This must have happened after we talked?? I think you are right... being overly kind to her, and maybe even a plate of cookies may be the best fix!!
I am going to have " I will dish it out Grandma" in my head all day. He-He!!! Oh. Goodluck.

The Wonderful World of Wampler said...

Bring it on Grandma??? Words I NEVER thought you would ever say.

Oh, "T" we really need to talk.

{Mo} said...

Blog stalker Monica here (Ann's friend, I know you two have talked about me) and I have to say, I'm cracking up! Isn't venting the best??? I could copy most of this little rant and post it in reference to some MIL issues, but she reads my blog so I guess better not! But I do feel your pain, trully I do. Monica
P.S. I hope you aren't offended by stalker comments?

Heather said...

Tierra,LOL, you are so funny with your blog. I love how you put things, by letters or stories. I am so sorry about your coworker. I have had that happen to me before too and I am such a people person and like everyone. I didn't do anything to that person but yet they just seemed like they didn't like me. I would get so angrey too. I hear ya!

Kathy Finch said...

bring it on dear old granny. what a fun place to work. thank goodness the coworkers know that it is not you.