Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Delicious Mess

Tonight I was in the mood for cookies. For those of you who do not know me, I LOVE a good chocolate chip cookie. I just can’t seem to resist them and I love to find new recipes to try out. So, in a nut shell I consider myself an expert on baking the classic chocolate chip cookie from scratch. And I mean that! Not to sound boastful but it’s the one baking thing that I can do REALLY well. So I rummaged through my recipe box, and found one recipe that I had never tried to bake before. I knew I had all the ingredients and this was going to be great. Quick, EASY, and delicious. I was confidant. I followed the recipe to the exact letter. Take a look at my picture to what I saw when the timer went off!

And yes, I’ll say it…They flopped! Bombed! They were so flat. When I went to scrape them out of the pan this is what happened.

They were an absolute mess. And ya know what? I just had to laugh. It also started me thinking. Here lately I have had the blogging blues. I know we all get them. It begins when we look at some one else’s blog and the life they have displayed for us and we think…“Gee, I wish my life was that happy” or “Wow I wish my house looked like that” Or even “I wish I looked like that.”
We all do it! We look at the comments and see how many we have and how many more that person has and we think why we can’t be like that. I am as guilty as the next person. And you know in away it’s like my cookies. We want to display the best we can do, not just on blogs but in our life to the family and friends we see everyday, everywhere. Like the picture of a peferctly round cookie. We are taught in this life to strive for perfection. It’s a slow gradual daily thing. This life is our chance to gain as much as we can. And so, as I looked at my delicious mess I realized that though it’s perfectly fine to strive to present that great delicious cookie, it’s even more important to once in awhile flop and see the taste for the inside. We don’t have to have the perfect cookie. The perfect blog. The perfect life. The perfect looks. It’s what’s in the inside and the flavor to the soul that makes them worth the time to prepare. Our life and its moments, family, friends, and the things we cherish are the ingredients to this life. And the outcome product well be within the flavor of are souls.

And so on a final thought, it’s ok to want to present a lovely package. It’s ok to post all of life’s happy moments on your blog. But, now I think it’s ok to post when you flop to! I’m not perfect. I take two steps back in my life all the time. And as much as I wish my life would be as organized and colored coordinated as my blog and have everything I wish for my home, I’m grateful for the times when I flop and I see what’s in the inside taste of the soul. It’s what will build me for the next time. As I write this I am eating my delicious mess and it’s SOOO yummy! So for your enjoyment and trial for perfection here’s the recipe. Enjoy and if they flop, Savory the taste not the look.

Tierra's Flopping Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
2 sticks of butter
1 cup of packed dark brown sugar
1 cup of sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp. pure vanilla
~ Beat in a large bowl butter first till light. Then add sugars, and beat till fluffy.
Add eggs and vanilla.
1 1/2 all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cup of quick oats oatmeal
1 cup of chocolate chips.
~ Mix flours, baking soda, and salt till well blended. Then spoon in oats and chips.
Bake at preheated oven at 375' for 12-13 minutes.

7 Lovely FeedBack:

Alice Faye said...

Hi Tierra,
Nice, thoghtful post. I'm with you on the cookies. You have made me hungry so now I will have to go make some. By the way-happy belated birthday. We have missed you at the YSA activities lately. Hope to see you soon.

Ann Marie said...

Darling Analogy!
I love the gooey mess, and if I was there, I would have sat down with my spoon and joined you!

Thanks for the chat last night.. I always love to talk!
Your picture on your profile is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!

Have fun with Heather today!

Miss Megan said...

Ha ha! Lol. Here's to gooey cookies! Because you know what, they all go down the same way anyhow, right?

Thanks for your sweet, sweet, thought-provoking, encouraging comment on my blog this morning. I feel so blessed to have so many friends and blog friends that take the time to listen to my rants, and care enough to leave thoughtful comments.

And for the record, I think you're beautiful (inside and out) too. :)

Anonymous said...

Did you save me some mess? I want yummy mess! That seems to be my life right now anyways LOL. Oh and I found your Taylor Swift cd in my car today, had no clue it was there. Call ya later k bye

{Mo} said...

Hey did you steal my cook recipie? That's how my cookies ALWAYS look? Ok, maybe not quite that bad, but I seriously can't make cookies? A pie, sure, cookies....Nope? I have gotten better over the years, but I don't think I've ever made a perfect batch of cookes, they always taste ok, but look ugly. I told my mom when I was younger that my kids would just have to have store bought cookies, cause I just can't make em right.
I loved your analogy, and I'm with ya. I feel like I always have to try and keep up with everyone else, and I always seem to fall short. But when I sit back and look at the changes I've personally made over the last 5-6 years, I really have come a long way and, of course I have a long way to go, but I've taken lots more steps forward than I have back. Most importantly I'm trying!!!
Oh, I'm super flattered to be added to you friend list. YIPPIE! Monica (sorry for the novel)
P.S. Love the new picture....you're gouy-geous~ that's how Miss Carlie says it :)

Amber F said...

What a great object lesson you have there Tierra! I'm just amazed that you can take funky cookies and turn it into a thought-provoking conversation. Hopefully next time the cookies will turn out.

Heather said...

Amen girl you said it. I have to say I would not be where I am today if it were not for all the times I have flopped.

I remember you telling me about your post on your cookies and seeing the pictures made crak up. You are so funny. Like I said I love how you post things.