Monday, November 17, 2008

Breathing Lesson

Today was a day to Breathe. Have you ever seen the movie Ever After and the part where She tells herself "just breathe"... I have admired that line ever since and repeat it almost daily for one reason or another and today was a major "just breathe" day. It was a moody day. A feel bad for your self day. A day where you think HIGHLY to stop this whole blog and hit the delete buttom. A Monday. A PMS cant -makeup- your- mind- day. A day where you should be kind & nice, but you just don't feel like it. A day where you look at your blog and go ..."what do I possibly have to blog about that would be interesting" A day where you get hurt by the least little things. A day where you wonder are your best friends really your best friends.

Dear Tierra,
Just Breathe. Turn up the volume to your current rock out song. Be patient with your self though you hate to hear that. Stop procrastinating and go write the list of things to get ready for thanksgiving. Remember as your writing it that you DO have a cup over flowing with things to be thankful for. Go watch Pride & Prejudice and Persuasion and let out that cry you've been holding in all day and release it for Mr. Darcy to come back and Captain Wentworth to be forgiving. And when all else fails, Just Breathe.
Sincerely, T.

4 Lovely FeedBack:

Miss Megan said...

Oh! I love that part in the movie too. Where she is standing on a precipice, in her silky angel wings and does the bravest thing she has ever done in her life!

Tierra - you can do hard things! I know you can. Get a good nights sleep tonight, and just remember that- "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it. That is a wonderful consolation Miss Stacy!" :)

P.S. I happen to LOVE your blog, and I have fabulous taste if I say so myself.

Ann Marie said...

What?? Your day is just like mine.. Even the PMS part.. LOL!

Oh, how fun it is to see that we are not alone my dear.
Megan's right. Think of things to be grateful for tonight, and tommorow you'll hopefully wake up happy..

Look at the 3 new friends (us) that you met through blogging.. If you delete it, you won't have the chance to meet many more. Then you'd have to call every night, which I don't think my MR. would dig to much ( even though I would ) so.. you better keep blogging! Plus, I LOVE your comments! They make me happy!

Have a great week! Come on! This is TWILIGHT week! We wish you were with us this weekend! Just think. You get to see it before all of us! Lucky girl!
Talk to you later! ~ Ann

Heather said...

I am sorry you had a bad day. I hate having days like that. I hear ya girl.

I am so glad I got to come out and see you. I had a lot of fun with you.

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

Oh, that is my absolute favorite movie!! (I may only be able to say that for a couple more

I'm sorry you had such a rough day, but I can certainly take a lesson from you and remember just to breathe. I hope the rest of your week is better, I'm sure it will look up incredibly about 12:01 am Friday.