{Go away girls..I'm not ready for my closeup! }

{When Carrie grew out of it, the torch was passed to Hailey and shes showing it off with pride!}

{OoOoH My number one man stylin and chill-axin with the foe-hock!}

{Go away girls..I'm not ready for my closeup! }
Labels: Holidays
Twilight Review! I feel sort of lame at writing this because I’m not a writer but just for my blog I would like to go on the record of first saying…Twilight the BOOK series has made my year. I will look back in years to come and 2008 will go down as Twilight year. A year that took me on a love story that ROCKED my world. Second I would like to just say to the critics and haters and just plain people who didn’t get it….Take that SUCKERS, Twilight sucked in $37 million opening night and $ 70 million the weekend! I have seen Twilight 3 times and before this is over that number will go up for sure. A good friend Ann summed it up very nicely when she said on the phone and her blog “BRING ON THE SEASON PASS!" I loved it! I just loved it! Edward…Edward…Edward !
Favorite Parts:
*When the movie first started and Bella’s voice came on, those whole scenes sucked me back into the book. It was magical and I knew this was going to be good. Kristen Stewart was channeling Bella like No body’s business!
*When All the Cullen’s walk in for the first time and Rosalie was all “Nobody can’t touch this” attitude..Emmett with his smile and the “this is a joke” face was right on target. Alice twirling in…Oh Alice I just love you! Jasper…Gee I felt your pain but saw your love for twirling Alice and doing what you new would make her happy.
And finally Edward….Oh holy…that smile when you heard Jessica’s thoughts and what she said…DANG!
*Conversation in the biology lab when he finally talks to her…that whole conversation gave me a BIG smile and then melted my heart when he was asking her about why she came there. Then when they were walking to her locker and the fact that they won the golden onion-HAHA! Cute! Bella’s look of being dazzled by his eye color…Yep honey…we all know…DANG!
*Conversation in the lunchroom and Edward has his hand resting on top of the buffet and leans in and gives her that crooked smile when she says they need to hangout…Oh Boy…Tierra needed a fan!
*I loved the beginning meadow scene where she’s asking him the questions and the close ups and spins around their faces…I was on the EDGE…When he starts to show her what he can do and how much strength he has…the leaning up against the rock scene…Why oh why did I not bring a fan?
*The ally scene and Edward ripping the Volvo around and giving those boys the look of..“I’m going to Rip you open and drain you” Then his rugged voice and smile through the dinner. Plus that the song in the background is the song Rob is actually singing made me very happy.
*The part where she’s lies in bed and realizes she loves him and wakes up to find him outside at his car…another DANG moment. But Tierra’s favorite smile part…. he looked so sexy in those sunglasses and helps her out of the car when they arrive at school and his smile is so …“Oh yeah…I got the girl” OOoooH Man I loved that scene and the lines when he said he was going to hell
*Jumping down from her truck and casually fixes her dent and leans back against the truck…awe! SO smooth… Telling her he’s taking her to meet his family. Then Billy black just had to show up and ruin the moment.
*Meeting the family and Esmes gorgeous look. Emmett’s “Her name is Bella” like DUH!! And waving a knife in the background LOL Rosalie-- major props to Nickie Reed and bringing out Rosalie. That whole scene was another where Tierra was just grinning from ear to ear. Edwards face expressions through that whole scene….Oooh so freakin loved it!
*Baseball. WOW! It captured the scenes from the book 100% with Alice pitching her leg coming up like a ballet dancer..Totally Alice! That whole scene just captured the family and when Esme is squatting down when Carlisle is up to bat like…"My Man" LOVED it. The line where Rosalie looks at Emmett and says “My Monkey Man” LOL LOVED that line! And then Emmett’s “Babe…it’s just a game!” I loved every part of that scene and wished it was longer but it pretty much held up to the time frame in the book.
*Then came the part where my heart just twisted in pain for Edward and Bella when they have to leave each other and he leans into the car and holds her face so tender and says “you are my life now” Oh Edward….
Bella was played so well by Kristen Stewart and I truly saw the emotion in her face on being apart from Edward and answering his phone call just like from the book.
*Ballet scene. Funny thing..I Knew what was going to happen but I was still so tense and nervous in my seat.
I loved the flashbacks when Edward was trying to stop. So endearing.
****I also forgot to mention that the scene in the bedroom….Holy holy the kiss scene. To short for me but the parts of them staying up and talking and her falling asleep were so sweet. Kristen Stewart you need to just fall for Rob because it would make me happy knowing he really could be with you.
****Prom. It was so special to watch..like peeking in on a very private moment. The song that was played in the background. FAVORITE song and it fit the moment perfect! I’ve talked a lot about Edward and his smile and his DANG sexy moments but really I thought everyone did a great job. This was a tough order to fill. The lines though yes cheesy at times. But, Kristen and Rob had fantastic chemistry. No wonder poor Rob has a crush. They did a great job considering a world of girls watching them to bring Bella & Edward to life. Kristen truly became Bella for me and for that I give HUGE claps to her. That whole prom scene was just breath taking to see come to life and the way he looks at her and the emotion she felt when telling him this is what she chooses …. It's a good thing I know what happens or this wait for New Moon would be worse.
Well, I could tell you the flaws but all I kept telling myself and really preparing myself was that A. It was not going to be as good as the book. You just couldn’t touch that. B. It was a low budget film. And C. nothing is ever perfect. So I’m not going too. Twilight means too much and I’m just grateful for summit bringing it to view for my eyes and letting those emotions out there. So you can bet I’m more then ready for New Moon…Bring it ON!
"Even more, I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knew - knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest - was how love gave someone the power to break you. I'd been broken beyond repair."
Oh. My heart at this moment is just breaking! Tonight as I logged onto my facebook account I received my last message from a very good friend of mine who is leaving tomorrow to serve a two year mission for my church. As of tomorrow Elder Harris will be his name and spreading the lords work will be his game. He has so much "sweet" sincere compassion for his fellow man. Always the gentleman and making sure he gave a hug to everyone these last few Sundays. I, of course had to keep going back for at least "one more" as I would say. And with a huge smile, he would open up his big arms and always give me the so called "last one". He's been my steady car date "aka ride" to YSA activities and ALWAYS he would delve into conversation on Twilight. He is my first guy friend who heard me speak about it and came running up to me one Sunday and with a HUGE smile he snuck up and said "Guess who read and Loved Twilight ?"
Actually these Ladies are more then just sweet! Their Beautiful, Awesome, Sincere, and kindred spirits. And I have been looking so forward to their arrival. Through one of my dearest best friends Leah, I have had the wonderful pleasure of getting to know Heather whom Leah has been best friends with when she lived in Utah. Heather has had the chance to come visit three times --this being the third--And with this visit she brought with her, her most treasured piece, Ayla her beautiful little girl. So, today I had the good luck to have it off and traveled to Kingsport to spend most of the afternoon and evening with Heather, Leah, the two babies and Evan. It was wonderful! What a delight they are and So to repay Heather back for the much deserved praise, here are five facts about Heather that I love.
1. Heather is the most genuine person I’ve ever met. With ever visit she’s still the same kind sincere personality that greets you with a hug and a huge smile each time you see her.
2. From the moment I stepped in the door we immediately took off on our excitement for Twilight and she feels the exact same way I do about the series. Throughout the evening we would just keep going back about all our favorite parts! I LOVED it!
3. Every movement she made around Ayla was done with the most cherished touch. Her love for her daughter and just love for being a mom awed me. I respect her so much for that and I could tell that Ayla is all wrapped up in her mommy with very good reason.
4. Have you ever seen one of her cakes? My goodness she has so much talent in the cake decorating department that one day I’ll pay her for lessons! Not to mention but she can draw too! Everyone pop over to her page and browse through her archives and check out all the many cakes this lady can do.
5. This one is my most favorite. As we set tonight talking, we would mention about church and sacrament meetings and she relayed her testimony and strength to attend all her meetings and listen with a pure heart. It truly amazed me. She has the sunbeam ray of Christ’s spirit in her testimony and that showed so so much when talking to her. It was inspiring and seeing her face as she talked about the gospel was like she soaks everything up every Sunday as much as she can. And through that she taught me in just that small conversation to strive to listen with attentive heart daily.
Now Ann I wish I could Say that I got a really good picture of Leah, Heather, And Me BUT when I saw them I just couldn't do it! I looked Horrible! So hopefully the ones from Heather are better and I’ll let her post them. So for the real stars of the night let me present the two kiddos that were every where tonight. We were like the paparazzi snapping photos by the dozen. Miss Ayla who I discovered has Red hair and her blue eyes are even bigger in person. Then Leah & Evan's little bubba, Noah. I tellin ya this boy is going to be a big football player and Ayla will be the sweet cheerleader cheering him on LOL
Aren't they ADORABLE in the matching pink/blue striped outfits! When Leah took Noah out of the tub she put his on him and Heather realized she had the exact one only in pink for Ayla with her!
Tonight I was in the mood for cookies. For those of you who do not know me, I LOVE a good chocolate chip cookie. I just can’t seem to resist them and I love to find new recipes to try out. So, in a nut shell I consider myself an expert on baking the classic chocolate chip cookie from scratch. And I mean that! Not to sound boastful but it’s the one baking thing that I can do REALLY well. So I rummaged through my recipe box, and found one recipe that I had never tried to bake before. I knew I had all the ingredients and this was going to be great. Quick, EASY, and delicious. I was confidant. I followed the recipe to the exact letter. Take a look at my picture to what I saw when the timer went off!
And yes, I’ll say it…They flopped! Bombed! They were so flat. When I went to scrape them out of the pan this is what happened.
They were an absolute mess. And ya know what? I just had to laugh. It also started me thinking. Here lately I have had the blogging blues. I know we all get them. It begins when we look at some one else’s blog and the life they have displayed for us and we think…“Gee, I wish my life was that happy” or “Wow I wish my house looked like that” Or even “I wish I looked like that.”
We all do it! We look at the comments and see how many we have and how many more that person has and we think why we can’t be like that. I am as guilty as the next person. And you know in away it’s like my cookies. We want to display the best we can do, not just on blogs but in our life to the family and friends we see everyday, everywhere. Like the picture of a peferctly round cookie. We are taught in this life to strive for perfection. It’s a slow gradual daily thing. This life is our chance to gain as much as we can. And so, as I looked at my delicious mess I realized that though it’s perfectly fine to strive to present that great delicious cookie, it’s even more important to once in awhile flop and see the taste for the inside. We don’t have to have the perfect cookie. The perfect blog. The perfect life. The perfect looks. It’s what’s in the inside and the flavor to the soul that makes them worth the time to prepare. Our life and its moments, family, friends, and the things we cherish are the ingredients to this life. And the outcome product well be within the flavor of are souls.
And so on a final thought, it’s ok to want to present a lovely package. It’s ok to post all of life’s happy moments on your blog. But, now I think it’s ok to post when you flop to! I’m not perfect. I take two steps back in my life all the time. And as much as I wish my life would be as organized and colored coordinated as my blog and have everything I wish for my home, I’m grateful for the times when I flop and I see what’s in the inside taste of the soul. It’s what will build me for the next time. As I write this I am eating my delicious mess and it’s SOOO yummy! So for your enjoyment and trial for perfection here’s the recipe. Enjoy and if they flop, Savory the taste not the look.
Well, this post is not exactly major news but for now it's the only news I have. This news is a reflection of birthday news. News that has me just plain giddy. News that makes me not have the blues. News that makes me Flippin EXCITED. News that makes me go alittle weak in the knees. How many times have I said news? News! News! News! Okay, I'll stop now. So, while the thank you cards are being prepared, this weekend I took the GREAT pleasure in spending some of that great American green back that I for one don't get to see alot! True Story!
{News Story Lead One}
Ya know the Green Apple winter coat I've been coveting at Old Navy? Well, it went on MAJOR sale this weekend from $90.00 to half off. Ringing up at only $46.00! Cha-Sing SOLD it's MINE!
Plus, at TJ-Max I found my houndstooth scarf I've been DIEING to find, $12.00! Then I made alittle trip to the purse section and found the perfect winter bag and matching wallet. It's a black alligator Liz Claybourne and originally $88.00 I got it for $24.00 AND the matching wallet {see below} was only $12.00! OoOoH I was a VERY happy shopper!!!!
{News Story Lead Two}
I finally repainted my toe-nails! Ladies...Have you ever painted your toe nails black? I say DO IT once and see how you feel. For me, Slightly dangerous, Majorly classy, and I'm strutting it! Come on Ladies...In every molly Mormon there's a little bold side to you and I say embrace it!
{HOT TOPIC News Lead}
OoH Wow! Well ....HELLLLLOOOOO Edward!
{Unfortunately due to the hotness of this story, the reporter was unable to come up with anything else to say because she swooned to the floor !!!} {Picture Hotness found from the Entertainment Weekly issues}
{ Final News Story Lead Three}
{Nothing to report because reporter is shouting to loud in thrill-ness}