Monday, September 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I'm Back Everyone! Yep ....You don't have to say it....I know you missed me! And I dearly missed you BUT....I had such a LOVELY trip! Yes, Lovely would be the correct word for it. Simply Lovely in every way--That sounds alittle Mary Poppins BUT it's True. There's just one litte down note to my lovely trip...I didn't take any pictures! Gasp!!! I'm such the slacker SO for your viewing pleasure I've provided some pictures into the thoughts and moments from my trip and return home.

My Trip started on Friday when Kristy came to pick me up---She's in the bright Blue, the picture is from a wedding we all attended this summer---As stated in previous post, Kristy asked me to join her on her trip to visit the in laws for labor day weekend since her husband was not able to go. I of course said YES! Road Trip Woo-hoo!!!

I'm here to state that I'm a true TENNESSEE girl and I absolutely could not stand seeing nothing but pure FLATNESS for the last 3-4 hours of our ride and pure Corn fields in every direction. Ohio your cities are pretty great but honey...your flatness sucks! Drove me nuts!

On Saturday Kristy, Nanette--mother in law and my old vocal coach--and myself went to this really neat and fun place called Paintbrush Pottery! The picture isn't the exact place but very close to what you do! You walk in and there's all kinds of different pottery items to chose from and I mean ANYTHING you would like to decorate and have. I picked, of course a very wide kitchen plate that I painted and decorated in my kitchen colors, the dark Red w/ cream vanilla accent. It was such a girlie thing to do and i loved it! We all had a wonderful time just sitting there and having all kinds of colors, stamps, stencils etc to chose from! If there's one of these places around a city near you, I'm putting it on a girls must in this life to do! As for pictures of it, that will come in October because it takes a week for the store to fire it and prepare! Since we only had till Monday...Nanette will be bringing it down in October.

A Big Thank You to Kristy's in laws who were fabulous to me! At night when everyone retired to bed, me the night owl around 10:30 got to just relax downstairs w/ their big plasma TV with a girls dream of a 100 chic-flicks to chose from! Me being the Tierra that I am-- aka sucker for Jane Austen and Classics-- was treated to the remaining movies I've never seen before! Thanks Nanette for making a dream come true by having them ALL in one place! I had a blast each night! Sunday I watched 2!

I definitely recommend the Jane Austin Classic Mansfield Park. Jane Eyre was alright, book better then the movie. Miss Pettigrew was the one me and Kristy watched together and it was really cute! Not great but cute! A nice chic-flick to pass into the night! As for the other Boleyn Girl...Well, it was pretty good but from what I hear not closely to the truth but just enough to get the picture. If I had to choose I say go for Jane Austen and Miss Pettigrew, the lead guy in that one is a new actor and well...let's just say watching him made my night happy!

Along the way I finally decided I love her! Her new song out "Better in Time" is my new song for the moment! Meaning it gets replayed over and over! To end the weekend that I wish I had pictures for was just really relaxing! Just getting away and stepping away from life's drama and personal issues was a treat! I fully support road trips w/ girlie moments, shopping and loaded w/ chic flicks!
And it came true! I came home and my whole house was cleaned from top to bottom!
WOOOO---HOOOO!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxox Aunt Carolyn!

Then to discover that tonight was the season premiere of One Tree Hill! OOOO How I've missed you this summer! The season kicked off w/ finally Lucas deciding on Peyton
--Hello!!! Finally!!!!---And then a whole lot of drama to keep me at the edge of my seat for the next 23 episodes.

And on a note...He's just dang hott! There...I've spoke my mind...When Twilight hits theaters in November.....Tierra will be back to her NSYNC 12 yr. old screaming days! T-shirt and all! Don't say I didn't warn you! XOXOXOXOXXXXXXXXOOOOOOXOXOX Edward Cullen!

2 Lovely FeedBack:

Ann Marie said...

LOL! I'm glad you had such a fun get away.. If you love flatness, girl your going to HATE Utah!
Have you seen pictures? We are surrounded by mountains!!

This picture of Edward, (Robert) is the single picture that confirmed to me that this moving is going to be great! :)

Have you read Midnight Sun? You need to read Shannon Hales blog in defense of Stephenie Meyer, and writing as an author. It's great!

Heather said...

You are so much fun! LOL! I am so glad you had such a fun trip. That painting pottery looks so fun. I would love to do something like that. I am so into art.