Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Sad Tale

Everyone. Let me tell you all alittle tale. Have you ever heard of the sad sad tale of the young maiden? Awww...I have. I know it VERY well. So lets begin. Once upon a time there lived a poor young maiden who lived in small land called Briston. One day, on the bark of a fresh new Autumn, the young maiden woke up with a terrible cold. Such was the discomfort that was brought to the poor maiden. She tried everything. Only to NO avail...Her sickness continued to take it's course. When she had just decided to give up hope, a sweet fairy godmother sent her a message from the wise land "Nurse Practitioner" to visit a LARGE and STRANGE land called "Wal-MART". In waiting in the cornor of the land WAL-MART laid the small "WAL-MART Pharmacy". There she would be offered to take a new medicine called MucinexD. For this was a limited potion that only the young maiden herself could pick up with the show of ID.

So our Maiden began her journey into the Autumn evening looking a terrible mess. For she would try ANYTHING to help soothe her poor soul. When she finally made it to the strange land called WAL-MART she was directed by her instincts to the pharmacy the good godmother had told her about. But lying in wait for the young maiden was a RUDE pharmacy check out boy. For he kept her waiting for a LONG time. The young maiden became VERY weary and was delighted when it was her time to receive the potion she was so hopeful to use . As the check out boy asked her what she wanted, she told him of the directions the wise Nurse Practitioner told her to seek out. The check out Boy Looked at her as if she had no brain and said " You do know you have to show me your ID?" She new this and began to search her purse for the ID of her reference. She looked and looked and looked but could not find it. The Rude Check out boy kept looking at her as if she was wasting his time. She apologized of course for taking so long but just could not find her ID. And then Thats when it happened, he told her that she should have had it ready before hand and that he would not give her the magic potion until she showed some proof of ID. The maiden was Tired and cold. All she wanted was to back in the comfort of her own home. The check out boy then proceeded to tell her that she was holding up the line and to come back when she had her ID. The poor maiden was so sad. She would have to travel all the way back to her home and then all the way back to the rude check out boy. ----What she really wanted to do was sneeze in his face and tell him to see how he liked it when he was really sick and someone was being rude to him!!!----So the maiden made her way through the LARGE land of WAl-MART and just could not imagine what would have happened with her ID. She found a small spot to rest in and rummaged through her entire wallet. Then as if magic, she find it through the folds of her beloved family photos. Alas! The young maiden marched back to the pharmacy checkout boy and showed him her ID. BUT, again the check out boy was rude! He proceeded to ask what was it again she was seeking, Followed by a long list of questions on if she was over 21 and what was her purpose for taking this potion.She thought VERY strongly again on Sneezing in his face to show him the purpose for taking the potion. The check out boy FINALLY handed her the magic potion. As she was walking away she heard him exclaim....Have a Nice Day....

Now, We could continue this tale with the trail of thoughts the maiden was making inside her head to the evil check out boy on that last remark But that would upset the fairy godmother. My tale ends here with the poor Maiden at home. With the magic potion taken and in Hopes that it will make her better for tomorrow. For after all, Tomorrow is another Day.

4 Lovely FeedBack:

Ann Marie said...

What a sad little tale.
Why is it that they seem to take longer when your in a hurry or sick?
Take the potion, and get rest, and lots of chicken noodle soup!
It really works!!
I wish for you to be better soon!

Heather said...

That was awesome. I love how you made it a story. You had me laughing. "The Land of Wal-mart!" LOL!

I hope your potion works for you. I feel better today. I guess I just had the side effects of the flu shot.

Gets some rest.

Kathy Finch said...

Dear girl, you must be sick --- You did not even walk over to the shoes department.


The Wonderful World of Wampler said...

You should have come on vacation with me, dear friend, you could have stayed inside all day long....No beach for anyone. Plus the wind when it smackes against the house, it rocks the you would have been rocked to sleep. Get feeling better.

ps. You should have told your godmother about the mean man....she could have turned him into a toad. Mean, mean little man.