Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tagged Part 1

This Tag is For Heather sense she tagged me. Thanks Heather! I really love to do tags But I'm not going to tag anyone. If you would like to do it then please feel free and I would love to here your answers. Plus, this is part 1 of tagging cause I've been tagged by my friend Natalie which I promise to get too. Happy Reading!

#1- What TV show did you watch when you were little?
Looking back I REALLY love & miss watching the Muppet Babies. Sometime I’ll go on you tube and just search all the old childhood shows. It makes me smile of the sweet memories of being a little girl.
**Which character?
Definitely Miss Piggy because….Hello…She got Kermit the Frog! He’s green and I adore the color green.
#2-Most embarrassing moment?
Sorry, Were not going there! If you really want to know, give me a call and I’ll tell another tale but on here, NO WAY!
#3-Proudest moment and/ or accomplishment?
My proudest moment would be when I was picked to sing the last and final song for concert choir in Jr. High. It was “My Heart Will Go On” and me with no vocal training
-- up to that point-- beat out Heather Jones who had years of vocal training. I remember taking it all in and being able to show my mom what I could do. I got a standing ovation
--It’s on Tape--and my mom was so proud.

Best Accomplishment would be earning my Young Women award at church. For those who no nothing about that it’s pretty much like how the boys get an eagle scout award in boy scouts. I had to do 4- 40 hour projects. One, which was putting together an entire church fireside for my home ward.
#4-What adult did you have a crush on when you were little?
Robert Allen. He was my cousins best friend and I was 5 him 22. So when he would come over I remember thinking…WOW!
#5-What habit or personality trait's do you have from your mother/ father?
Well from my Dad I would say talking. lol. Whenever I’m talking to people I always feel like I have to clue them in on all the facts. So I end up talking forever. But, at least I think I’m a more interesting talker--Sorry Dad, but your kind of boring lol

As for my mom I would say her compassion for music. Some of the best memories I have are of my mom rockin out in her room to music. From every generation. Music just speaks to you on such a higher level that my mom new that and taught me that. Plus, my mom always liked to make people feel comfortable and I hope I do the same
#6-What did you want to change your name to when you were little?
I never really wanted a different name cause let’s face it, my name already is different but I seem to remember calling my self Julie a lot whenever I would play teacher or secretary.
#7-Who was your first kiss? Justin Moore Kindergarten. Yeah, I started early lol j/k
My REAL first kiss is Kyle and even though that’s a relationship I do NOT let myself think about, I will say this; Movies. Taken by surprise. Nice kiss.
#8-What 3 adjectives that someone from high school or middle school would useto describe you? Honestly I would have no clue?????
#9-What hairstyle, clothes and / or accessories did you rock back in the day when it was cool?
Remember those stretchy leggings with the loop around your foot? I had those in every color. My mom would always let me wear them with cute little ruffle skirts and Ked’s Tennis shoes with lacey shoe strings!
#10-Who were your Jr. high and High School crushes? Jr. high was Chris Bellamy. I haven’t seen him lately but I hope time has only made him better lol As for high School would be my good friend Trip. Trip and me have the same last name initials so we always had our lockers besides each other. We were just good friends and he always made me laugh And EVERYONE new Trip. He was the Senior class president and prom king and oh is he still cute to this day.
#11-What makes you really laugh?
Thinking about all the Hilarious stories of my mother in Wal-mart. The woman had more unique and embarrassing stories to fill a Wal-Mart tell all book. Example: My mother went all the way through Wal-Mart with a LONG strand of toilet paper stuck out of the back of her pants. Blowing in the breeze.
#12-3 favorite memories with friends in Elementary school?
*Cheerleading practice after school
*Halloween Parties with goody bags
*Library club meetings
#13-Most trouble you got into with your parents?
When report cards would come out and I usually was failing math L
#14-What was your 5 year plan in high school? I never made a five year plans.
#15-What is your 5 year plan now?
See above question.But, with my life just moving forward. Of course marriage. Children. Maybe go to England. Who knows, just Taking things simple. I hate to be pushed so I go with what ever comes up in strides.

4 Lovely FeedBack:

Ann Marie said...

Fun tag! Glad you shared, so I can see a little more about you..
My worst subject was math to girl..

I'm guessing your feeling better??
I hope!

Alice Faye said...

Hi Tierra,
I've been out of town and now I'm trying to get caught up on all my blog reading. It was fun reading your post. I hope you are feeling better.

Alice Faye said...

Hi Tierra,
I've been out of town and now I'm trying to get caught up on all my blog reading. It was fun reading your post. I hope you are feeling better.

Heather said...

Great job. Thanks for doing this. I loved it. I have to say I love Kermit the frog. I think he is so adorable. I turn on you tube and show Ayla the clip called "Kermit the Disco Frog." You should look at it. It is really cute and Ayla loves it. I am trying to get her to love him too and I think I am having success.