Monday, September 15, 2008

Thoughts: Update On Me

Here lately, my thoughts have run thus thinking that this blog is getting random & boring. I don’t know, I just keep thinking…Why did I start this? For what purpose? As the months have past I realize that I love doing this. Having something to look back on and see what I did. Like a journal. But, again I feel like my post lately have been just boring & random. So I apologize now if you find my blog really senseless or pointless. These post are me, take it or leave it. So to move on to where I’m at right now let me enlighten you.

I’m still currently single-or at least the last time I checked. I’ve just finished my summer of everyone and there dog to get married. And HONESTLY I’m not bitter. Why not? Let’s just say those who have married have married in ways or people I would not. Leaving me being content of my singleness. Wow! That was blunt. But true. For the past few months I have been toying with the idea of a big change. And I do mean big. I’m going to be a stinker and not say what that change is but if your close then you know. I’m sure a lot of you think you know me. Yes, Yes…I’m sure your all thinking, yep we have a clue on what she might be changing BUT she’ll never do it. Well let me inform you in a not so rude way but you don’t know me. Not really. Reason being. I keep EVERYTHING--that is-- really important close to my mind only. My thoughts on this change are scary. Nervous, Unsure and really I haven’t a firm answer that this is the right thing to do. So do not try to second guess me. How Tierra works and always has is that I have to make the final call. I wont be pushed. If I feel the least bit pushed I will back out ASAP. Why? Because I do not like people trying to take the credit for helping me in change. Is that understandable? Example: When I was little my mother would always say things like…Oh Tierra you wouldn’t have gotten an A on that test if I didn’t push you to study for it.

Currently I’m still in my Twilight Reading Buzz. Reading Breaking Dawn over & over to truly get my full feeling on how it ended. The wedding scene is just so sweet to me. I can honestly say that after reading Bella & Edwards love story leaves me with a feeling of…Is there REALLY someone to love like that out there for me? Don’t answer that. Please do not answer that!

My birthday will be coming up in a month and ½. I’ll be 23. I can’t believe, here I am, in my early twenties. I just never gave any thought to what life would be like in my twenties. The birthday plan so far is small. Small. And more small. I’d settle for a cookie cake. A few close friends and hopefully the Collection of Jane Austin movies that the PBS program did.
So as you can see nothing so far has changed.

Again, I just feel like you all might be looking at my blog and find it random & pointless. A friend of mine once said a few weeks ago that …Tierra…your so over the top…Your style...taste and mine are so different. And I agree w/ her and do not take this statement said in a bad way. It just left me thinking…Is there something wrong with my taste? Am I over the top? Please again, do not answer these questions. It was just how my friend said it that caught me at a wrong moment. I was on the phone today with my younger cousins who recently got married and I was thinking that I’m sort of like her as taste and style goes. Then I was looking in my head at my other girl cousins and yep, were the same there too.
So yes… here it is folks. The update. Sorry it’s pretty wordy for sure. So to give you a small entertainment here’s a picture--flashback --of me and my cousins. Who I’m thankful to have. And thankful to be like.

From left to right: Justin, Chad, Alexa, Evan, Brit--in Santa's lap--Me, Kelly--dark blue--Melanie, Carrie

3 Lovely FeedBack:

Heather said...

Tierra, I love you the way you are. I love reading your blog. I feel I have gotten to know you better. I like your style.

Ann Marie said...

If you wern't blogging, I wouldn't know you! Well-- maybe we could have down the road if I ever make it to Tennessee to visit Leah!
I'm glad we have met though!
Maybe for some reason besides the Cullens, it was meant to be?

Your blog's not boring. If it was, I wouldn't visit. So there!!!

We all think our blogs are boring.. You need to write it for you and no one else, and if others care to take a peek-- they will!

Call anytime to talk. We always seem to have lots to chat about. :)

The Wonderful World of Wampler said...

Vent away my dearest friend. Vent must have been the theme for yesterday. I did my share too. Thank goodness you are just the way you are. I wouldn't like you anyother way. I really hope you think long and hard about this BIG will be a BIG change for me too. I don't want to tell you one way or the other. It's up to you my friend, and you will make the right choice. I will love you no matter what. And just think you might not have to throw a baby shower next spring. WHOOHOO. You'll get off the hook on that one.