Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Nie Love Story

…There I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.
Doctrine & Covenants 84:88

A few weeks ago I came across a story that just stilled my heart. In this life, part of my testimony is based on all the beautiful things Heavenly Father has created for our eyes to see. There’s nothing like finding that special moment that leaves an imprint to your soul. If there’s anything that I would hope you remember about me, I hope that you remember my love for all of the lovely things in this life. Like my intensity for a good love story. This story is about a beautiful soul who’s blog that has touched thousands to keep returning and hearing what she had to say about the joys of motherhood, The romance and love for her husband and the essence that makes this world beautiful. Please take a moment to read this.

Their names are Christian & Stephanie Nielson. An LDS family based out of Arizona and since 2006 Stephanie has been blogging about her life. The Nie Nie Dialogs. Her blog has sparked so many readers to keep coming back each day to see what she had to say through her colorful eyes for the good things in life and her vintage style for color. In August she and he beloved Mr. Nielson as she refers to her husband on her blog were in a devastating plane crash . Her husband was left with about 35 % burns on his body while Stephanie sustained over 83 % burns. Since August she has been kept in a coma state induced by her doctors . She has gone through tremendous graft surgeries and just yesterday it was announced that the doctors are beginning to wake her up. Her Husband Christian has now been able to go home and see their children.

As I sit here typing I wonder what I want you the reader to take out of this message. For me I’m taking it as more then just a sad heart breaking story. Over the past few days I’ve been going back into Stephanie’s blog that her sister keeps open for anyone to read and getting to know who she is. And what I’ve found is this colorful soul who has a love story that I simply am envious of. The kind that means more then just your average notebook for the soul romance. Her love for colorful things. Bright colors and being your children’s best friends and reading them stories and letting them dance out in the rain. And then comes her beautiful sweet and funny racy love letters she wrote to her husband. Besides the fact that this is such terrible thing to happen, it’s still a life that’s still going for her. I cannot imagine what all the things that will de different for her. And my heart aches for those 4 small children all under the age of six who have been separated from there parents But most of all separated from their mother who was teaching their spirits to soar. I hope that if you find sometime that you will look through her blog and see for yourself this wonderful woman and all the things she would see in each day of their lives and find it meaningful. Her Love Story.

Right now her Family have made a website that you can go to get updates on their progress and a donation site to raise money for the medical costs. Her sister keeps her blog open and friends and family have taken some of their favorite post an reposted them on her blog to keep her blogging spirit alive. My. Personal favorites are the love Letters to Mr. Nielson. Each and every day I find fault with myself. I’m not perfect but I do dream. I hope. I love. I have faith. And most of all I pray for myself to remember to seek out the good things. The beautiful things. And now from the Nie Nie story, to seek out the colorful things. As I posted in previous post …Say what you need to say. Take a picture when you have nothing special to really take. Read a great book that will let your imagination fly. Sing a song while your on the elevator to lift your mood. Hold someone’s hand and look at them really close. But most of all love every chance you get and remember that the little things are the things that truly truly matter.

If you have some time, Please Read this Letter from the Nie Nie Archives--Labeled Letters to Mr. Nielson & Watch this touching video That is posted on the Recorvery Site

Dearest Mr. Nielson
A few things today encouraged me to write you a love letter today.Maybe it was that you have been gone- away on a fancy business trip and left me for a few days.I missed you very much my pet.****I had a really difficult time sleeping whilst you were away. I tossed and turned in our bed and then last night, unexpectedly Lenny Kravitz ‘It Ain't Over Till It's Over ‘song came into my head and wouldn’t go away. I pictured you in a white shirt with your skinny jeans on smooching me and boom,off to dreamland I went.****You came home today.It was fun letting Claire stay home from school for no good reason, sleeping in with you and eating breakfast together. Life is so sweet.Then you had to go to work.****0600 came and it was such a delightful feeling to hear your motorcycle come zooming down First place and to our domicile (where a very fatigued wife was anxiously waiting for you).Your presence was much welcomed. After hugging each child you came to me and said“What are the top three things you need right now”To which I relied:1. Dinner.(can't do it, no not tonight)2. Put on you’re good listing ears and turn up the volume, I’ve got a lot on my mind. (Sadness in the world, homesickness, Mitt Romney, my ideas about service and motherhood, projects, ideas, my Mac woes, missionary work and challenges I am feeling, and my yoga class I am teaching on Tuesday-to name a few)3. Hold Nicholas the rest of the evening(since 2:00 he has been a crying whirlwind.On the patience scale, I am about a 0%)****Then I asked you if I could have one more. And of course you said yes and then I requested something that I can’t type on a count that it is much toopersonal and of a rather delicate status.Sorry.Cheesy? Sure. Effective? Yes.****Now we have put the children to bed, each child a warm embrace, drink of water and prayers. The wind is blowing outside and we have the rest of the evening to do what we like and you have on yourcrisp white shirt and skinny jeans and baby,‘It aint over till it’s over’

1 Lovely FeedBack:

Heather said...

I heard about that but I haven't seen anything on them. I don't turn the t.v. on much. They are such a cute couple and have beautiful children. They really love each other. That is so sad. I am glad they are both still alive. It makes you appreciate the things you have.