Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall & Halloween Decorations 2008

This Year my house theme was Lot's of Berries & Deep Sage Green Hydrangeas. About two weeks ago right as I was starting to get sick, I had forced myself to go to Michael's. What a delightful mistake because they now are the proud owners of half my pay-check. Oops! Entering that store I got my second win and just took off leaving Carolyn in the dust. I've been so excited and Now I can Finally show everything off. I truly am very proud of myself this year. I only wish {double wishing} that my mom was here in person to see what I've done. So, I welcome you inside my home and take a peek at all my decorations for my favorite time of the year. And Mom, if you ever read my blog or watch as your crazy daughter blogs--Know I truly learned from the best {and our dear friend Martha-wink} and all these decorations are for you. All my Love.
So Please enjoy :)
My Dining Room Table is my favorite! It's the first time I ever made a center flower arrangement and it turned out stunning.
My mothers prize coffee table. Sometimes I think she loved it more then me lol Don't worry mom, it's in great hands!
My Fireplace mantle. Those were so easy to do!
Everything after now are all in my kitchen. It's more Halloween and I got a little kick that I decided to put the RIP signs with my FAMILY sign.
I've had this ghost ship since I was alittle girl and I treasure it! It lights up and it and the pumpkin coming up are our kitchen nightlights.
Got a little "spooky" with my photo shop.
And last but NOT least is the Wreath my Dearly Loved Aunt Carolyn Made. I reluctantly gave up the front door which I was just going to do more berries and hydrangeas BUT while we were in Michael's she fell in love with those cute Halloween buttons and wanted to do a wreath. So to give her the simple joy I gave the door. I must say, I too fell in love with all the buttons SO I was happy to give her the door. She did this all by herself. Shes such a sweetie.

3 Lovely FeedBack:

Heather said...

Good Job. I love the flower arrangement. I love all of your decorations.

Ann Marie said...

I love all the decor too! YAY!!!
I have the EXACT same little brown candle holders you have on the coffee table! Yay again!
You really did a good job. Pat yourself on the back..
~ And darling/creative button wreath!

The Wonderful World of Wampler said...

Now I know why we haven't talked much this past week. You, my friend, have been busy....I love all of your fall stuff. It looks great. You need to come help me with mine....and befor Heather comes to town.