Thursday, July 17, 2008

Watch. Out.

Ok, I woke up today and I have discovered that my emotions/feelings go as following: I HAVE PMS! I can't believe I'm going to blog about this but it's true. I am in a NO GOOD mood! I'm cranky, easily provoked, a litte hurt about something, AND It's my day off! WHY! Why today of all days? So here's what I want;

1. A cleaning Lady to clean my house because I simply

2. A nice big Chocolate Caramello Bar wouldn't hurt either!

3. A Car! My Aunt Carolyn is at work so I'm stuck here at the house till she gets home or until my other aunts take pitty on me an takes me somewhere. But, on the flip side I don't want to go anywhere! How's that for a mood swing? I just would like the car to be here so in case if I DO want to go somewhere I could on my own free will.
And finally 4. Now that I think about it, I haven't had lunch so if someone wanted to buy/make me lunch I might be appreciative! But then again I have NO CLUE on what I want!

Hopefully tomorrow might go a little better But then again...WATCH OUT!

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