Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Night Chic-Flick

I think I'm going to start a new blog tradition. I've been thinking and here lately I really want my blog to show what I do in my everyday life. Not just the cute tags or what nots I want to randomly post about So here' s a small look into my typical single life on Friday nights. Now, usually Fridays are known for date nights BUT being someone who doesn't date outside of her religion and the fact that there's NO ONE--I repeat--NO ONE here in my religion to date, I settle for a typical single gal Friday night fun; CHIC-FLICKS! Every Friday for as long as I can remember, if I don't have anywhere to be after work, I really just enjoy coming home, check my email and popping in some sappy romance chic-flick. So, as a "sorta" blog tradition every other Friday I'll post whats playing on my home theater.

So to start us off, Today at work I had been going through my mind of the list of DVDs and discovered that I had not seen one of my all time favorites in awhile!
Introducing the.....
{Drum Roll Please}
....The Wedding Planner!
I loved this movie from start to finish. It's one of those where I don't just pop it in and skip to some of my favorite parts. I actually watch it all the way through. So tonight as soon as I get this posted my living room awaits and let the The Wedding Planner begin.

. Highlights & Things to Know .
1. I've always hoped that someday they'll do The wedding planner two. Like what would happen when the wedding planner has to plan her own wedding?
2. I love the opening scene where Jennifer Lopez's character comes home and puts everything away in a orderly and neatly fashion.
3. Her wedding planner pouch she wears with EVERY litte last minute item in it, I would die for. It sorta reminds of my purse LOL

2 Lovely FeedBack:

Heather said...

I will have to pull my copy of this movie out of storage. I only have it on VHS. I think it is great that you are going to share about every day life. I think it will be fun!

Anonymous said...

So i am a friend of Natalie Larsen's and that is how i stumbled on to your blog. So what exactly are you going to be posting! whatever it is i am sure will be great. and can other people do it as well on their blog(S)?
does that make sense?