Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tag Your IT

Get to Know you Twos! Ok so this is a tag and I’m doing this so it will give Leah some kinda starter for opening her blog : ) So here’s how it works. List Two things about your self according to the subject and at the end tag three people you know to pass it along and Get to know them as well. So here goes! The Two’s on Me!

2 Musts in your Purse -
Well first of all; I always carry a big purse and sometimes if I’m in a hurry--which is a lot--I throw everything into it. So this was hard to narrow it down by two but I have noticed that whenever I restock my purse the two things that are always in there are; Q-Tips & Bobby pins! I go through more boxes of Q-Tips then anyone you’ve ever known! I use them for EVERYTHING and Bobby pins well, when you work in the hospital and have to have your hair up nonstop, It’s my only survival with my kind of hair!

2 Favorite Cleaning Supplies-
First up would be-Hands Down--The toilet magic cleaning Wand! I simply can not survive this world without it! I’m telling ya who ever invented this little wonder so I wouldn’t have to touch the toilet while cleaning--I L.O.V.E YOU!
Second would be the Ajax Liquid Dish Detergent- Red Ruby Grapefruit Smell. OoO I just love the smell of that stuff!

2 Favorite Foods-
Anything w/ shrimp in it, I consider it my favorite. If I had the money I would eat shrimp all the time! And two ANY kind of Sub! Quiznos, Subway, Charley’s, You name it I love it! Open up my wallet and you’ll find an assortment of coupons to them all!

2 Song Obsessions-
Right now would be Leavin by Jesse McCartney & ANYTHING by Taylor Swift! There were TOO many to choose from But I just LOVE LOVE LOVE her! And I’m so excited to go see her in concert in September! I picked the song "Id Lie" because we all know what it's like to like someone and know everything about them and yet still they have NO CLUE about how you feel or feel anyting in return! She writes all her songs and I know them all by heart But this one I play/sing alot!

2 Material Wants -
Wow! This was easy because there’s always something that you want in life! But at the top on my list would be this bedding at Target! I simply HAVE TO HAVE IT! Ever since my dad painted my room I’ve been on the hunt for a really sophisticated bedspread to represent the grown up me and Hopefully w/ my fingers crossed, It will be mine soon! Second, Now this really is a true material want and a “Yeah right Tierra..In your Dreams!” desire. These COACH purses! I swear if I had one of these babys I wouldn’t change my purse for YEARS…I promise!

I just thought this would be cute to do and give everyone something to read Cause I know you’ve all been dying to know these things right??? LOL Well ok maybe not but Hey this was cute! So now I tag Kathy, Carrie, & Leah. Which means you have to do it because you’ve been tagged! And because I said so : P

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