Thursday, July 10, 2008

Confession for July

Hello Everyone! Today I have a secret to share w/ you all. Are you ready? Sit down, this might be a shocker! Ok are you sitting down? Are you sure? Really and honestly this is hard for me to admit but they say the first step to rehab is admitting your problem.

So here goes….I Tierra Lynne Coleman; 22 yrs/ old of sound mind and body LOVE --repeat--LOVE to spend money {!!!} Phew! There I said it! Please do not think badly of me! Let me explain, today was a good day! It was PAYDAY! Sweet! Every time It comes around to this day I always start to think to myself--I have WAY to much “thinking” time on my hands--What am I going to buy this weekend? How horrible am I? I must also admit that the word spoiled has been linked to my name a time or two…Ok, maybe more BUT hold up, Wait just a minute before you go into that whole spoiled prissy speech. I am an only child. AND I do know how to work for the almighty dollar. I work at a hospital, need I say more? Alright, now the reason for posting this is the fact that this blog is not just about the everyday fun facts. It’s also a guide into what’s going on w/ me and as of today…IT’S PAYDAY! WhaAa - HoO! And w/ the weekend approaching my problem lies on how to rain in the shopping frenzy before I find myself attached to some frugal tightwad Utah husband who just wont understand the love or need that his dear sweet wife has for those killer shoes or that really sharp looking furniture that makes his living room look great! So here’s what my little brain was thinking today at work while trying to decide what was the best way to spend my money but yet not blow my money.

1. I need a haircut. But that’s going to be about $26 and I rather buy a pair of shoes!
2. My flat iron broke. Man, I really need a new one!
That would be about $45 if I wanna get a really good one!
3. Oh then there’s my room…I really want that bedding but it’s $$$
So yep that’s out of the question--Dang it!
4. Old Navy had this REALLY great top I could where to church this Sunday.
It’s only $24 and maybe it’s on sale!
5. Target had those killer gold shoes on sale that would go great w/ said top at old navy!
Humm could I get both?? Probably not!

Now, Do I need any of these things really bad??? Don’t answer that question!
So Now I wonder how will this conversation really go when it’s with that future hubby of mine! Maybe I can win it by pulling the
“You took so long to find me, I really deserve those ____ since I had to wait!” line?

1 Lovely FeedBack:

Kathy Finch said...

Keep talking to yourself and you will have convinced yourself that you will be doing what is best. GOOD LUCK.

Did anyone tell you that dealing with men is impossible. there is not middle ground. THEY are ALWAYS RIGHT! or so that is what he tells me!!!!!! LOL