Monday, March 3, 2008

Sister Tyhurst

She's going to kill me that I used this picture for this blog but this was the only one I could find!

This is another one of my bestest bestest! She is serving for my church on an 18 month mission in Argentina! I miss her SOOOOOO much! I received a letter today and so I decided to show some love, and blog about her.

We 've known each other since sunbean age in primary and there's not a moment growing up where she's not in it. I'm so excited for her to be coming home in August! The countdown begins!

1 Lovely FeedBack:

Anonymous said...

AUGUST -- Has it been that long? It seems like she just left and that she has been gone forever. I wish I was there to welcome her back -- You will have to do it for me!!
I have a ton of pictures of her that I have (Stolen-Copied) off of her space and others. I doubt that any are better though. Love ya both KATHY