Yesterday, I took my Nephew to the park for some pictures. It was a beautiful day and the air smelled like the fresh beginnings of spring! Angelus is my little stud and I adore taking his picture. If only he felt the same. He hates his picture to be taken and so I had to resort to bribery--I know, shame on me!-- He's not a smiler in photos, Hasn't really master just a plain simple smile so when ever you say smile, he looks like his eyes are about to pop out! So in most of the shots he's got this "Way serious" look on his face. But he's just SO darn good looking! Oh and he's only 5 years old and he's already 4'3 in height! Happy Looking ~

1 Lovely FeedBack:
I love the Pictures. --- see if you can convince Amber to go to the park with you and get so great ones of my babies. PLEASE!!!!!!
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