Monday, March 17, 2008

Irish Charm

"If your lucky enough to be Irish, Then your lucky enough"
Today is St. Patricks Day and I love this day for three reasons.
1. You HAVE to wear green and green is one of my very favorite colors. When you look in my closet, over half the items are green.
2. Believe it or not but I am some irish from my mothers side and Her family name is Patrick.
And finally 3. I have this dream or goal whatever you wanna call it but I would give ANYTHING to be married on St. Patricks Day! Every girl always dreams of the perfect wedding and for me I've never wanted to pick just some random day to get married on
{NO I'm not getting married anytime soon--I wish}
And you never really here of people getting married on St.Patricks day. It's suppose to be the luckiest day of the year, right? I have this all planned and figured out. From Decor to wedding colors and flower arrangements. Now if I could just get a groom I'd be all set! March 17th WILL be my wedding date! The year, Who knows but for now I keep myself busy planning Jen's wedding and I'm having so much fun!
I hope every one had a very Happy St. Patricks day and wore green! It was so pretty outside today that I took my nephew to the park and took some pictures of him. There coming next so look out for my next blog entitled "My Stud"

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