Tuesday, March 11, 2008

If I was a Teenager AGAIN

Alright, I saw this on someone Else's blog who I don't know--Yes..It's called Blog-stalking--This is suppose to be a tag but I thought I would just answer the questions and give ya a laugh at my answers. This is a Tag about "If you could be a teenager again, What would you tell yourself" So here goes ~

1 - If you could go back and tell your teenage self one thing, what would it be?
First I would go back to the day that probably would have changed my entire High school career.
It was auditions for the cheer leading squad at Tennessee High School and I was at chorus rehearsals in Junior High. All my life I grew up dreaming of being a TN High Cheerleader and for some reason that day I thought nothing of it and decided to wait until next year. I had been cheerleader my whole life growing up in school and if I had went that day I probably would have made it and would have stayed in High School and not have gone on homeschooling to pursue music lessons during the day instead. Oh and I would have told my self that falling in love w/ missionaries is a waste of time!

2 - What extracurricular activities did you do in high school? Again my high school career was staying at home --home schooled-- and going to music lessons. So I would totally redo the whole choice thing again and go to high school.

3 - What's the coolest thing you did as a teenager? Well first the coolest thing in my mind would definitely be when I got to sing the Titanic love song "My Heart Will Go On" at the end of my 8th grade concert. I was last and {this might sound vain but its the truth and there's a video to prove it} I blew the house down and got a standing ovation and for weeks people would come up to me and tell me how good I did. I thought I was such the stuff! Second, this maybe is not the "coolest" put it sure was fun. I use to T-pee missionary houses and cars w/ girlfriends. And I don't mean just lightly toilet papering there trees. We took this seriously and all I can say is "Ask me my tricks and I might tell ya the tale! LOL"

4 - What's the dumbest thing you did as a teenager? Having endless crushes on missionaries from my church!

5- Did you have any serious relationships as a teenagers? If you did, tell why it did or did not work out. Would you call having a die-hard love w/ N'SYNC a relationship???? J/k

6 - When you think about your teenage years, what songs come to mind? Early years N"SYNC was all I cared about but through the latter years 16-18 it would be Jessica Simpson, GreenDay, Shania, etc...

7 - What's the funnest date you went on in high school? This really wasn't funny but looking back I think it's funny. I went to the movies and saw Runaway Bride w/ this boy who I had the biggest crush on and my aunt was there w/ Friends-sitting somewhere else--But I found out through friends from school that he turned Gay later on in High School.
8 - If you could change one thing about your teenage years, what would it be?
See question # 1 & the answer. I will ALWAYS regret not making my self go that day to auditions. After all those years I had spent and didn't go. I know alot of people make fun of cheerleaders but I have always been a girlie girl and loved it! Everything about a cheerleader. Auditions was after that final chorus concert and looking back I think i was riding the wave of being great in chorus and I was in chorus practice that day and i just thought that chorus would be much better.
9 - What did you think you would grow up and become when you were a teenager? A singer! Now music is still a passion and music simply allows me to breath through the day. I'm always singing in my kitchen or car or the elevators at work-don't laugh--But I would never audition for American Idol cause it's not meant to be in the Tierra as an adult.

10 - Post a picture of yourself as a teenager

1 Lovely FeedBack:

Anonymous said...

totally awesome observations. BUT I think that you would be a great American Idol!! And I bet you would have been the "BOOM" at cheerleading! Love Ya