Monday, March 24, 2008


I have a confession to make. I'm addicted to shoes! ........Like you didn't already know that! But, seriously it's true. I 'm a huge believer that you can never have to many and so when it came for an Easter gift this year from my aunt Carolyn these little babies was all I wanted! I wore the heels to church on Sunday with my Easter outfit! And I'm so excited for spring. The sun is out and there are blooms on our tulip trees and my feet are ready for sandals and flip flops! I fell in love w/ these sandals at Belk a few weeks ago and so my aunt got me both heels from Target and these Sandals from Belk for Easter! OOO The love of a Women & her Shoes ~

1 Lovely FeedBack:

Andrea said...

You have great taste...I LOVE those shoes!