Sunday, March 30, 2008

Blogger Party Poopers!

Well, here lately I have been relentlessly trying to get my friends and family to blog as well. So, to "maybe" put alittle edge to them...I'm going to blog about them.

First, my little cousin Carrie & boyfriend Sergei

Don't they look like a cute couple you would like to read about? Carrie is so cute. She bakes more then I do and loves to decorate. I would love to see what Carrie's opinions and blogging finds would be! As for Sergei... Well, will mainly keep up w/ him on how often he needs a hair cut! So Carrie PLEASE BLOG!!! Oh and read Twilight so I can die a happy woman!!!

Next up is my best friend Jenny and her soon to be hubby Justin.

Jenny is getting married and so we are trying to plan and organize things well. But, I'm dying for my best friend to join the band wagon! It took me a whole year just to get her to do a Facebook account so I think for me she should just save her self a year of begging and give in
{Cause you know I will wear you down} and do it NOW! As soon as Id set up her facebook account she just took off! So she can't give me this "I don't know how" stuff cause clearly-- Jen if you can handle facebook, you can handle a blog!
Alright, I'm done preaching for the day....BUT I will win on this!!!

2 Lovely FeedBack:

Kathy Finch said...

Yea I need people that I know on here. I read blogs that belong to people that I do not even know. (Wow do I sound boring)

The Carters said...

Hey Tierra. It is so fun to see Carrie. Chris and I have been wondering how she is doing. Say hello to her from us. Your blog is so cute. Hope you guys are doing great!!