Monday, September 28, 2009

Team Kate. Just sayin.

Dear Kate,
I just adore your style. I adore your attitude. I SO watched you on the view. And tonight's episode of taking your little girls to a tea party...TOO CUTE. And next week's episode, they say your gonna find your one true love, the label maker. MINE TOO! Can we hang out?
Just sayin hun... I'm team Kate. You see, I have watched your show every week since day one.
I've seen you with the no tan days and the old pink bathrobe you wore every day and now look...YOU'VE GOT STYLE! I think I now watch your show just to see what you will where. BFF Jen...She thinks you rock too. Were just sayin.

Yep, I know the media plays this crap up WAY to much! And yep...I'm sick of hearing/seeing it just like everybody else. I'm just stating that me, myself, and I...Team Kate. Oh and Jen too!

PS. Jon...What a poop bag!
PSS. What's your stylist number? Can I have it?
PSSS. Love your shoes! Are they Jimmy Choo?

6 Lovely FeedBack:

RatalieNose said...

Kate's bomb!

Sondra said...

You crack me up :-D... Seriously though - Jon is a total poo poo head. He is a real jerk! I hate him... Soooo I guess I am team Kate. She sure has become a diva... It seems she is doing better with the break up in last nights show. I know between the two of them - Kate's life will be much better then Jon's because he is selfish, a loser, lies, cheater and a poo poo head... LOL!

Sondra said...

I just got on my facebook account and this was posted. Jon has dropped out of the show and it will become Kate plus 8. Here is a link to the story - incase you haven't heard.

Heather said...

I have never seen the show but I love her hair. It is way cute!

Jenny said...

Team Kate all the way!!
I'm glad tlc droped jon from the show. I was watching the view today and they said that jon want to work things out and feels bad about what he has done. Just after finding out he is cut out of the show with the big $75,000 paycheck. He is really sorry or is he sorry that he isn't getting $75,000 paycheck!

CB said...

Sorry I have no words....Ick

(still friends?) :D