Thursday, September 3, 2009

09.03.09 A Birthday

Hi my little man. Though your really not so little. As the days have been lining up toward this day, my heart has been breaking just a little on how 7 yrs old is just not a baby anymore.

On September 3rd, seven years ago, You & I became an official couple. There has not been a day to pass that you have not had my heart. To tell you a little bit about yourself, you are VERY polite. You take care of your family around you and foremost always looking after your granny and asking her sweet things to check up on her. You love to have everyone around you and have us watch your awesome dance moves. In height you are 4'4 and just about as tall as your 5'2 auntie tierra. We look really funny when i hold you standing up and your feet are only 3 inches from the floor. You just started the first grade and already was tested at being above average in your reading skills. You says words and sentences that only a grown up would say. M&M chocolate chip cookies are your favorite and mine too SO we love to make special "just because we can" trips to the mall just for a cookie. You love to fish with your dad and rockin out to music in the car to sing by yourself {telling me to stop} is a must. Your also becoming a backseat driver. Oh how I love this stage of telling me what to do. You also informed me the other day that 24 was just "really old" LOL in which i told you to remember who takes you to go get cookies LOL You currently have a huge crush on your 16 yr. old 2nd cousin Hailey and always wants to know when Hailey is coming up to play video games or basketball with you. I promise will break it to you nice & easy when you fully understand that even though yes...were in Tennessee but we don't date/marry cousins. You were recently in Carrie's wedding a few weeks back and you were the ring barrier. You were the studliest ring barrier anyone had ever seen in a tux. We also had to bribe you in order to do it and then you waved to the crowd during the entire ceremony and then proceeded to do some major break dancing skills at the reception...Stealing the show from the bride & groom LOL.

To sum it up my little man, you are one of a kind. One in a Million. A Super awesome kid. I love you with all my heart and just when i think i cant love you anymore then i already do...You go and tell me little things about my mom...your favorite favorite aunt and all the things you still remember that you two used to play together. It was one of the hardest things i ever had to go through was telling you about aunt mert going to heaven & praying that you would still somehow remember her. And you do.
Thank you for that my sweet little man.
I wish you a VERY HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY
loves, Auntie Tierra

PS. And just so you know, you make me laugh doubled over when you see me reading/watching twilight and start running through the house saying loudly "TiERRa LoVES Edward....TieRRA LoVES Edward" over and over and over....Oh how i just adore you.

8 Lovely FeedBack:

Suzanne said...

What a sweet post!! He is a gorgeous boy!! Happy Birthday to your little man! -Suzanne

Ann Marie said...

Happy Birthday to your nephew! It's my sisters birthday today too! :)

I love how much you love and adore him. He is a lucky little guy to be surrounded by so many people who love him dearly.

I love that you guys have such a close/special relationship..I hope you always stay close.. he's such a looker... he's going to be in TROUBLE with the girls!

Have a great day girlie! Hope your doing well!

Kimmie said...

What a sweet post!! 7 year old boys are definitely ALOT of fun (My Ethan turned 7 in March). It's sad that they just grow up too fast. I am just glad that Ethan still begs me to cuddle on the bean bag every night and read stories).

Angelus is a VERY lucky boy to have such a wonderful person love him SO much!! I can't believe all of the SWEET things you do for him and how much fun you have together...that is just priceless!!

Thanks for sharing such sweet made me reflect my life and want to do more FUN things with my boys.

Hope you have a great day!!

{Mo} said...

What a special tribute to a darling little man! He's lucky to have you Tierra!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday!

What a sweet post. You can truly tell how much you love him. You are for sure another mother to him.

Cwboywz said...

Tierra, you are a jewel! The whole family is lucky to have you and thanks for being so close to Angelus.

Amber (EyesofAmber) said... just totally made me cry. Could it be because I remember the first time you brought him to church? Because he's only three months junior to Nathan and we spent a lot of time in nursery together? Could it be that my baby turned one today?

I think it's all of the above. What a beautiful post. You are awesomeness and of course you know he's just gorgeous! Happy Birthday Angelus!

Aaron, Kristy, Emma & Autumn said...

You are such a wonderful Aunt Tierra! Angelus is very lucky to have you in his life! I know you two will always have a special bond!
P.S. can't wait until Friday! Biltmore here we come!!!!