Sunday, September 13, 2009

And the Secret Is....

Ladies, all week I have had the giddy rush of knowing that I had a secret. The kind where your not suppose to tell anyone until it's announced kinda secret. And I have wanted to spread it sooooooooooo bad on myblog. Now, after today's church meeting...... :) I can!
I received a new calling and was released as the YSA {young single adult} rep/activity planner for my ward and now {Que drum roll} I'm our Ladies Relief Society Enrichment Leader! !! ! AKA I plan all the parties/meetings/activities that take place each month within our Ladies Relief Society! !! ! To say I was shocked {because i thought for sure i would be left in the YSA till marriage--like THAT was ever going to happen anytime soon} is an understatement!
Ladies, I'm thrilled/scared/excited/nervous/overwhelmed/ready to get to work/ wanting to reach out to all....ALL rolled into little 5'2 me.

SO Ladies far and wide, if you have ANY activity advice.....roll them my way.

PS. I'm DIEING to report on so much!!!!!! The VMA's!!!!
New Moon Trailer {I screamed like a freakin 13 yrd. old}!!!!!!!! The Biltmore!!!! My birthday coming up!!!! Fall decorations!!!!!

I guess you'll just have to stay tuned to see what's coming next from my mouth. XOXOX

7 Lovely FeedBack:

{Mo} said...

Yippie Tierra.... you'll do GREAT! My sis is our RS counselor over enrichment and she's trying to re-do the entire program here. She's done some fun things.... I'll have to get you a list! Congrats Girlie, that's a big calling but a fun and rewarding one!

The Larsen's said...

I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

Sondra said...

Yeah for you! You will be just awesome in this calling. The sisters in your ward are very lucky. I think through your efforts and fun attitudes... you will be able to touch the lives of many sisters who are in need of a little joy in their life. Just think of the little nudge you can offer someone on the outside to feel belonging and a desire to attend the activities - because they will be soooo awesomely fantastic! :-D... I'm excited for you!

The Wonderful World of Wampler said...

Crazyness. I just got the same Calling in my ward. CRAZY.

Kimmie said...

Your ward is going to LOVE you for Enrichment leader!! Your events will be SO looked forward to by everyone. Just seeing how much FUN and work you put into all of the parties you have given I'm sure you will do the same for Enrichment nights!!

My niece is the Enrichment leader of her ward and I will have to ask her what fun things she is doing for her ward.

You are just SO cute and I love your enthusiasm you have for life!!

Hope you had an awesome time at the Biltmore Mansion!

Heather said...

Congrats! You will do great in that calling. It is so you! Have fun planning! I know you will.

Shayla said...

AWESOME!! I just called to be a primary worker... again, but I have been the Enrichment leader & know you'll LOVE that calling!