Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Okay, right now...My heart just about came out of my chest! I kid you not! Most of you should know or may not know...DONT CALL ME ON TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY NIGHTS! ! ! Why?

And this year, I, Tierra Lynne Coleman am absolutely head over heels in love with Matt Giraud! I LOVE HIM! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM! He is the reason I watch the show...I think he is so dang sexy when he sings and when he does that lip quiver thing and hits those raspy notes....Oh. MY. GOODNESS. I melt! ! ! As I said at the beginning, it's all about the men...Well now, it's all about this guy.
Matt Giraud!
Dear Future Hubby,
Could you possibly be Matt Giraud??? Oh come on...PLEASSSSEEEE!
::Story Time::
Now let me tell you a very true true true freakin insane story. Last night, I was driving home from work *speeding* to get home for Idol. In the CD player was a cd a friend made me with a ton of love songs on them. One of my absolute favorite songs is "To really Love a Woman" by Bryan Adams. I listened to it 3 times in a row going home. And the thought came to mind that I should really do a post about how just dead sexy that song is when you really listen to the words.

So,lets speed to the moment Matt is about to preform. It was movie night and low and behold Matt.....MY Matt....Picked to sing "To really Love a Woman"....

To say, I was floored, insanely ecstatic doesn't even cover it! ! !
I just could not believe it.

Then to my sad disappointment, I didn't think he did that great. Good but not one of his best. I knew there was a chance he would be in the bottom three.
And so, I called at least ten times last night for Matt.

This is crazy...I have always watched Idol but in all the years have NEVER repeat NEVER called in and voted until this season for Matt. Thats right.
Just now started!

So when he was put in the bottom three, I wasn't shocked. You should have seen me screaming like a mad woman to the TV screen {while my aunt Carolyn thinking I'm nuts looking on} begging for it not to be him to go home.

Alas....It was him! I WAS SO UPSET!!!!!!!!!!! This year though on Idol if you are not a watcher or didnt know, the judges can save you. If they think you deserve another chance, they get to veto the outcome and you can stay for another week. So with that, Matt got to sing one last time to save his soul! I was *up* in my seat screaming and I thought he did a wayyyy better job then last night.

The whole audience was up and chanting "SAVE MATT"
Now, all judges have to agree and they only get to use this just once per season.
So that means next week, who ever goes home goes home with no chance of being saved.

It all came down to Simon. Simon Simon Simon.....SAVE MY MAN....I screamed!
Halle Freakin Lujah

I am HAPPY :)

Now, do i think Matt will win...Nope. Sad as it is, I know that Adam Lambert will probably win and I really could care less! I just want him to stick around as long as he can and make it to the top five!
Matt dear....I'll be seeing you on tour!
I'm GOING to that Concert!!!!!!!

5 Lovely FeedBack:

CB said...

I just watched it too!! It was crazy exciting!!!!!!

Shayla said...

Oh my! Cracking me UP right now!
Personally, Kris Allen is my fav, but I also know that even if I vote 10 times, I sadly, agree that Adam will win. Boooo.
So glad your man was able to stay... I just hope that save doesn't result in him leaving next week along with Anoop {Oh, I can only hope}
Yeah yeah for A.I.

TLC said...

Kris is my 2nd fave! I loove his voice and I really am just watching to hear these two preform and the Allison girl.

It drives me insane on how they all go on and on and on about Adam.
Major BOOO

All i know is, my man gets to stay...I'm happy and pray to heavens he picks a good disco song and just sings it. Not to much playing around. Just pure vocal and singing it to strut his stuff!

Ann Marie said...

I admit.. I cried a little.
He was def worth the save..

I agree with Shayla. Kris is my #1 and then Matt is #2. I wished Lil would have left last night...

Could they PLEASE just put Adam in the bottom 3 just once to take away a bit of the cockiness and pride? Oh my gosh I could SOO be the President of The Adam BUGS me fan club..

Heather said...

I'm glad that he was saved for you. I haven't watched American Idol since season 5 but I know how you can get attached to the contestants. I'm excited that you'll be able to hear him sing more.