Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I know I know it's Tuesday and I'm just now getting to post on Easter. So instead of telling the tale of how it went---which was GREAT & LOUD---I just want to share my small thought about what Easter meant to me. Family. It's all about family and I'm so grateful to have a small part of it. I have two older girl cousins above me and two younger below me that I'm really close too. With that, it puts me in the middle. And oh what a sweet middle it is.

My favorite moment from that day was when we all gathered in the dining room as my
Uncle led us into the blessing for our Easter dinner.
All heads were bowed and arms folded and I stole one small peek around the room.

It was endearing to my soul to know, that together, as a whole family, I will always be with them. To know that my grandparents in Heaven looking on of what the two of them created, will always be together brings such peace into my life. So Family. Easter. Thankful for all of the blessings of the Savior to make us a family, Family is what it's all about for me. Enjoy the pictures everyone! You may not know them but their mine and to me, that's all that matters.

That Easter Bunny is one Terrific fellow. I wonder if he has connections with cupid?

Me and my aunt "granny Carolyn" always make an Easter basket for Angelus. We might go a little overboard but i can totally do that because I'm the Auntie He-he!

For my momma number two, My aunt Carolyn I made her an Easter basket this year! With ER going off the air, We needed alittle ER therapy in our lives LOL So, I got her some favorite goodies, new hair picks and the first season of ER!

Auntie Carolyn "aka Easter bunny helper" did a sweet job. Easter Lille's are my favorite flower.{remember that if i eva do a quiz on how well you know me LOL}
She bought me a small matching basket to hers and filled it with a few favorite things. Sharpies, my favorite style of writing pens! People Style magazine--bless that woman--dove chocolate {that doesn't exist anymore LOL} and two Holiday stuffed animals picked out by me! {Also note that I collect small holiday stuffed animals, I'm such the girlie!}

These two our favorite things LOL all dressed up in Easter dresses! Your Never to old for that! NEVER!! Mine was a sweet deal from Old Navy sun dress for $19.99

Hailey Bay and me. The family firecracker and hands down favorite to everyone! Shes turning 16 soon and I just will not except this!

Tanner, Tanner, Tanner...*sighs* he can be the pain in the butt little cousin but can be such a sweet guy. I have entitled this pictures as "Ladies...how you doin?!?" as he interrupted the shot!

"What Up?" as tanner would say! Yeah...someone remind me to do a whole post on this guy?

This picture SAYS. IT. ALL. Do you have any sweet but yet so annoying little cousins who thinks and knows hes the stuff? I DO!

Hailey doing what she does best! Lighting up the room with that smile and laugh.

Sisters are a great thing. And they are beautiful!

As Tanner yells "take off your high heels Carrie!!!"

Tanner just turned 13. His voice is changing and he's taller then us all. And reminds us 24/7! He may be annoying and loud and the attitude is in a great need of a major underwear wedgee to his butt BUT he has the sweetest side. When my cousin Kelly arrived with her newly 3 week old, he went straight into Tanners arms and there it stayed. And he wouldn't let anyone take it!

This is my favorite photo from this weekend. I am 100% on time being to short and my aunt Carolyn is the oldest female in the family. The Matriarch. And so I always try and take pictures with her with everyone. Notice the Patrick Family big, brown oval eyes!

Cousins doing what they do best! Head for the video games! Take notice of Carries "big kid" fiance at the controls. LOL

Getting ready for the Easter Egg Hunt.

"Stop taking pictures" they yell LOL Angelus & Saylor are such the buddies! In my family from my grandmother, we hunt eggs with money into. Small change and dollar bills! This year Saylor found the big egg with $7.00 in it! We all donate and you get to hunt till age 10.

I wish i could talk to my grandparents and ask them to "reconsider" the age limit LOL

Saylor in her pretty pink dress! Notice the egg with stickers on it as the "BIG EGG"

I cannot say enough to you all to express how much this stunning young lady in navy blue is to us all! Her faith so surpasses mine and oh how better the world is to have her in!
Last though, My aunt Carolyn put a card with my Easter basket and I opened it later that night. I am so utterly grateful for her as my true best friend. Inside the message read,

"Happy Easter to a Wonderful Daughter

who shares laughter and love,

Who believes in her dreams,

and touches the world with her own special magic."

Still my soul. I love you Aunt Carolyn!

6 Lovely FeedBack:

Shayla said...

So fun! I miss big family hoopla's, just not happenin here with the in-laws ::sigh::
Lilies are my favorite too... stargazers... I won't forget. :)
Lovely Easter my bloggy friend, so happy for you.

Ann Marie said...

What a sweet post!
I loved all of the pictures..
I loved that you peeked right before the prayer.. That was such a sweet and endearing moment!!

Holy smokes with the baskets.. The Easter bunny had fun!!
I LOVED ER. This was one of the best seasons ever, and I am sad it's over...

Happy Easter days!!

CB said...

You have a great family Tierra - I loved seeing all the fun, happy pictures :)
The card your Aunt gave you...So special - Love it!

Have a GREAT day!

P.S. Your green sun dress is AWESOME!

Unknown said...

Yay, "Here Comes the Sun" started playing the second I loaded your page. :-)

Anyways, on to the comment -- I <3 how happy you all look in these pictures. And you look gorgeous in that Easter dress! Glad to see your aunt doing well.

Sondra said...

Tierra, you had such a wonderful Easter. I loved your new dress, your baskets, your family - wow! It's amazing all the fun you had and what a wonderful family that surrounds you. I'm glad you had such an excellent Easter!

Miss Megan said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. You just look simply stunning. Happy Easter to you my friend!