Sunday, August 17, 2008

Recipe Time

Yes, Yes I know I'm procrastinating on my Breaking Dawn review...So I still say just hold on for a little while. So in the meantime I'm going to excite you all with a VERY simple an easy recipe to try out. Are you ready? I know your all just jumping out of your seats for this one! Introducing the best summer time dessert, I give you the Fruit Pizza!

When ever I make this--Which I repeat, WAY EASY--I always think of my mama. I can remember being a litte girl and watching her decorate it w/ fruit an thinking...
"Gee, WOW" my mom was just the coolest mom around! To a 5 yr. old this looked REALLY impressive! For along time she had not made one and I just forgot about this Delicious summer dessert until my cousin Carrie--Who is always cooking/baking--made one a few months ago and I was lucky enough to get a slice! I recommend this HIGHLY if you want to take a dessert some where and you don't want to spend alot of money/time BUT still want it to look impressive. I'm pretty sure your 5 yr. old will think your the coolest mom around too!

. Fruit Pizza .
Pizza pan
1 Roll of Sugar Cookie Dough
4 kiwi's Sliced thin
6 strawberries sliced
1 Frozen pack of mixed berries thawed
1/2 cup Grapes sliced
1 8 oz. cream cheese
1/2 cup White Sugar
2 tsp. pure vanilla
First w/ pizza pan, coat lightly w/ Crisco and sprinkle lightly with flour. Shake off extra flour for a thin coat. Spread cookie dough even w/ the pan for crust. Bake at 350' for 8-10 minute or until light brown.
In mixing bowel mix cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla until light spread.
Out of oven let your crust become completely cool before spreading cream.
Spread evenly. The fun part. Decorate/Arrange to your delight!

3 Lovely FeedBack:

Heather said...

Yummy. I want some. I will have to make this sometime. I have only had fruit pizza once but it was good. I am not worry about your review yet because I am only on the second book and I love it. I just got done with the chapter called "The Meadow" it freaked me out. I am always so busy but when ever I get a chance I read the books. They are so good.

Ann Marie said...

If it's that hard to do a review, you don't HAVE to...
It's quite funny.. Many of the haters of the book have changed there minds after having talks with me! I love it!! More and more people are liking it out here than not!!

I have had these yummy pizzas before, but have never made one, so now that I have the recipe, I'll have to try!

TLC said...

The reason for such the big delay is I'm rereading it again so everything I didnt get or understand I'll see better. I really want to do my review because How could I NOT post anything about my favorite people?

Plus, this weekend we had a pretty bad family crises so that really put things in delay.