Friday, August 22, 2008

Hit Song?

So, today I was on somebody's blog that I have NO clue who they are {blog stalking-We all do it} And I saw this and thought this was just to funny to pass up! So I ask you, What was the number 1 Song on the Billboard Charts when you were born? Mine was kinda a bummer, but hey...What the heck it's still to funny to pass up.

On November _ 1985 the number 1 billboard song was : "Miami Vice Theme" by Jan Hammer. Ok, SoOo my first thought was...Aw..Heck what a let down! But, now I think that's just my luck! To find the number 1 song hit on the day you were born go here:

I'll be looking to see who does this and what your song is! Come on ladies, how can you beat Miami Vice? What can I say....I'm just too COOL!

3 Lovely FeedBack:

Heather said...

LOL! I love it. I want to do this post.

Ann Marie said...

Yes, I will do this one too! Only it will be bad for me since I'm alot older! :)

Hey, I loved Don Johnson, and Miami Vice, so this is sooo cool to me! he-he!

It was fun to talk for 2 or 3 hours tonight. I'm glad your still my internet friend even though I didn't catch all of the typos in the Twilight books. :)

Kathy Finch said...

Sixteen tons - Tennessee ernie Ford. ---- Okay scrape your self off the floor and stop laughing. I know that I am older than dirt!!!!