First, my little cousin Carrie & boyfriend Sergei
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Blogger Party Poopers!
First, my little cousin Carrie & boyfriend Sergei
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!

Easter is here and will be gone in less then 8 hrs. Can you believe how time is just flying by? I took these today and thought I would post. There not the greatest of me and there only "half" of me--I had to take my own pictures so you can't see me in my way cute outfit for Easter but my Aunt Carolyn looks stunning in her green suite I picked out for her and I got her a corsage. Nothing big or fancy just a nice special day with the ones you love ~ Happy Easter

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Mr. Shope

Monday, March 17, 2008
Irish Charm
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
American Idol
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
August Rush
August Rush is my "Right Now" Recommend movie! My best friend Jen and me went and saw it in the theater and We just fell in love with it! The first cover is in some weird language have NO clue on but it shows all three main characters. The second cover is the USA cover! It's now out on DVD and I came THIS close to buying it but since my shopping splurge this weekend, I put it off BUT it will be in my DVD collection.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
If I was a Teenager AGAIN
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Shopping, Freezing, & more Shopping!
Now, note to future husband: "Honey I am extremely sorry for spending money on more purses, shoes, clothes, make up etc BUT I hope you realize that in return, you have one VERY stylish wife who always looks great! Yes, I know I have at least 50 pairs of shoes and purses hanging all over my closet and YES I know I have a horrible money spending habit BUT know that I am VERY conscience of this an that I always "try" to be good! I have full hope/faith that slowly but surely you will come to help/restrain myself when necessary but just warning you now....A} I did say I was sorry B} I'm honest and C} I still look great! "
Well, when ever the time comes for me to get married at least my future husband knows I'm already thinking of him LOL Anyway after Old Navy we went to Red Lobster where I ate my heart out! ! ! Then on too the Mall where I got this fabulous pair of shoes I will show off at church tomorrow! My Aunt Carolyn, I just love her! I drag along every where and she never complains! I had a wonderful day today with the most sincere loving person I know and I love her unconditionally with all my heart! I can't believe all the things she puts up w/ me!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
This weeks Finds!
My life really is quiet boring these days, So to make it fun I go browsing through stores after work! Don't ya just love Target! I get paid this week and OOH this purse just called to me! It will be my next "baby" and then I had to go see the shoe section and Yes, these shoes look alittle not like me but let me tell you when I put them on....They too will be joining my shoe family in the closet!
Then after Target it was on to Books . A. Million! I just heart this place! After I get off of work it's still open cause they don't close till 11:30!!! That just thrills me! I make a stop about 2 times a week!I can spend at least 2 hours browsing and love every minute of it! There are two smells I just love 1-Fresh cut lemons and 2-A Bookstore! For those who don't know me well---Most of my paychecks get spent in here!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sister Tyhurst
She's going to kill me that I used this picture for this blog but this was the only one I could find!
This is another one of my bestest bestest! She is serving for my church on an 18 month mission in Argentina! I miss her SOOOOOO much! I received a letter today and so I decided to show some love, and blog about her.
We 've known each other since sunbean age in primary and there's not a moment growing up where she's not in it. I'm so excited for her to be coming home in August! The countdown begins!