Tonight, as i sit and type this, I am completely ashamed at myself for how little I belittle all my blessings in this life. Since Sunday, my thoughts have been turning to one woman. To one family.
I have shared this story before but tonight I plead with you all to please keep this person in your prayers for as long as possible. Her name is Catie. Catie is the daughter to a very important family to mine and my home ward. To me personally President Dunn, Catie's father, baptised me when I was eight and was my families home teacher for 14 years. His Wife Jackie was my seminary teacher. Most importantly, their daughter Catie is a mother to three amazing little ones and wife to a loving husband. For Catie, time is running away and her cancer that she has been fighting so strong is completely taking over.
Catie's story is one that is every mother and families nightmare. In early 2007 we learned that Catie was pregnant with her third child and we were all excited for Catie & her husband. Shortly into her pregnancy they discovered a tumor growing in her left upper arm bone spreading further up. Needing to take action immediately, Catie and her husband were faced with the decision about the pregnancy. To Catie, there was no decision and immediately she carried the baby as far as she could till about 7 months.Now, after two long hard years, nothing is working. Catie has endured trips to St. Jude's and Duke University hospitals. All chemotherapy is not responding and now We plead for a miracle. My heart and the heart of our homeward is completely broken and all we ask is for a simple prayer. A prayer for the severe pain to go away. A prayer for them to enjoy the Christmas Holiday. But, most important, a prayer for a miracle. All catie wants is to raise her children and all we plead is to simply let that be.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Miracle for Catie
Labels: A spoken Truth
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Simpley Thankful: Jenny
In continuing with people I'm thankful for, today I introduce to you my best friend.
Though to me, I call her Jen.
Jen has been my best Friend since the day we met. We just connected.
It was on a temple trip and we were seated next to one another and just started talking.
And we've been talking ever since.
Sometimes late late into the night and early early in the morning.
I'm pretty sure she knows everything there is to know about me and I her.
She made one killer stunning bride.
We've been through a lot together and she has seen my darkest days.
We've cried together.
Gotten mad at each other.
But have always been completely completely comfortable around each other.
Like bread and butter. PB & J. Ying to Yang.
You get it?
Jen is one awesome mommy.
She makes all of Jackson's baby food.
And spikes his hair.
The girl has listened to me go on and on about twilight madness and even came with me to the New Moon premiere and stayed from 5 pm to 2:30 in the morning.
And LOVED it!

Jen is with me every step of the way in all my life turns and major events.

We have shared endless moments of laughter. Heartache of all kinds.
Labels: A spoken Truth
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Please someone tattoo this to me before I have a major panic attack?
Labels: view point
Breast Scare
Sometimes, i really forget that I'm old enough to have lumps in my breasts. I'm ashamed to say I really don't "check" myself that much. But, over the last few days, I had noticed a knot swell up on my lower right breast. To the point, it was very painful to touch, let alone wear a bra.
So, to keep this short, last night I went to the ER and had a mini lancing surgery at 2:30 am to have it opened and removed.
The pain, well let's just say it included a 5 inch needle to the breast bone and nerve. Enough said.
This is NOT cancer. It was a bacteria knot that can happen to any woman because our breast are so dense and is an easy target for bacteria to set in. They concluded that sense I work at the hospital, my body can assorb it more easily. To a note to ALL women, when you take a shower, use only an anti-bacterial soap. Especially in those areas. Trust me, you don't want that pain.
Labels: Tierra's News
Sunday, December 6, 2009
First. This amazing Lovely lady is getting married!!! !!! Ashlee is such a dear friend, and one that used to live in my ward. I'm very proud of the fact that we have stayed in touch and visited through the years. I ADORE her parents and her mom was my last YW president whom I became very close too and if it wasn't for the fact that her brother is a huge love/hate thorn to my side {another story for another time, ask me about Adam-woe woe is me}...I'd marry him and become a sisterinlaw! Anywho, with that said.....
I fly in Saturday, May 15th and will be in till the following Monday, May 24th! My place is all booked and I am for sure COMING! Ashlee would kill me other wise! The wedding is May 22nd at the Salt Lake Temple and I'm SO excited. So, if your around the Salt Lake area, I would love to see you! And if you so happen to know of REALLY good looking single men who would like to take me out on a date...Please fill free to set me up LOLOL. See ya soon Utah, I'm off to go search J. Crew for something fabulous to wear!
Labels: Events, Tierra's News
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The "Were Leaving" Day
Labels: Rants
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Simply a Favorite
I am in love with this stuff! Fresh Lime Basil from Bath & Body works. It makes washing my hands ever so lovely, I swear! I keep this in my kitchen and I say you should too. The End.
Labels: Favorites
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Simply Thankful: Lee
Since I didn't do a Thanksgiving post...I decided to share some things {people} that mean the most to me in the most truest form. Looking back on this Thanksgiving Last Thursday, all the things I wrote last year before Thanksgiving--in which you can read here--still ring true everyday. The Savior for this life. My Aunt Carolyn as my sweetest confidante. My Nephew who is my soul. My snooze alarm clock button that still rocks my socks....All of these things I wrote last year, Are still just as strong, if not my heart.
Labels: A spoken Truth
Song Obession
Isn't it funny how you can hear a song on the radio and not really think nothing of it But, put it to the back drop of an upcoming chick flick and immediately you listen to song that has been set to lead off the tone of the movie and fall in love with it?
Well, while I was in theaters watching New Moon, the movie trailer for the Nicholas Sparks new book to film "Dear John" came on and I being the sap that I am was in awe of this upcoming new chick flick that will probably make me cry. Anywho. The song playing in the background of the movie Trailer is called "Set the Fire to the third Bar" By Snow Patrol...
First} Watch the Trailer for Dear John {haven't read the book} but it looks amazing....
Second} Now, after hearing it from the love story above.... listen to it and see the difference.
I fell in love. In which case I give you my new song obsession...Srsly. I have been replaying this all morning.
Labels: song obsessed