Thursday, December 10, 2009

Simpley Thankful: Jenny

In continuing with people I'm thankful for, today I introduce to you my best friend.
Though to me, I call her Jen.
Jen has been my best Friend since the day we met. We just connected.
It was on a temple trip and we were seated next to one another and just started talking.
And we've been talking ever since.

Sometimes late late into the night and early early in the morning.
I'm pretty sure she knows everything there is to know about me and I her.

She made one killer stunning bride.
We've been through a lot together and she has seen my darkest days.
We've cried together.
Gotten mad at each other.
But have always been completely completely comfortable around each other.
Like bread and butter. PB & J. Ying to Yang.
You get it?

Jen is one awesome mommy.
She makes all of Jackson's baby food.
And spikes his hair.

The girl has listened to me go on and on about twilight madness and even came with me to the New Moon premiere and stayed from 5 pm to 2:30 in the morning.
And LOVED it!

She even steals my camera and takes pictures with Rob!
Jen is with me every step of the way in all my life turns and major events.
New Moon was a Major event!

Jen is the nicest person you will ever meet.
If your her friend, your lucky to have her.

Her faith is like this picture of her walking up the steps of the Columbia Temple.
Eyes on the steps, scriptures in hand and head held high.

We have shared endless moments of laughter. Heartache of all kinds.
I can tell her anything. When I confess to doing something snotty, she likes to say my name in three syllables. It's pretty funny hearing it come a cross the phone. And...alas I must confess she does it often LOL
Missionary T-P days. Road Trips. Wal-mart runs. Chick Flicks. Going to the movies while Jen was in early labor. Emotional roller coasters of girl drama. Me excepting and trusting her choice in the guy she chose as her eternal mate. Holding my hand as I got my hair cut. Endless curling hair. Talking. Wedding Planning. Showers. Beach Trip. Crushes. Sprite poured over my head.
Silly phrases saying over and over....Elephant...Poo. Singing off key. Singing Hymns. Scripture sharing. Duets at church. Helping me clean my moms room after she died. Being by my side at the hospital after it happened and days DAYS after. Talking about boys. Taking my Christmas card pictures. Birthdays. Baking chocolate chip cookies.
this list goes on......
Jen, to me....I love you! Thanks for being you.

3 Lovely FeedBack:

Jenny Snyder said...

I just have to say I love that girl!!!

RatalieNose said...

What an awesome best friend you have!!!!
Friends like this are mucho hard to find!!
Love your face T!

Heather said...

Jenny is such a cute girl. I am glad that she is one of my friends on facebook now I can keep in touch with her.

I loved what you shared about her. It is so nice to have friends like that. We need them.