Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Please someone tattoo this to me before I have a major panic attack?
A. Enrichment next week. I need to get all table wear decorating ideas and come up with something brilliant.
B. Oh can so please clean my house and put all decorating boxes away?
C. Pain killers make me sick.
D. I just want to crawl in a whole.
E. No I don't, it's Christmas time...I should be better prepared.
Life. It Needs to kick into gear over the next few days or I just won't make it.

2 Lovely FeedBack:

Anonymous said...

Take a break. Breathe. Then come over here and eat chocolate chip cookies and play with the munchkins. They're pretty good about making people feel better ;)

RatalieNose said...

Oh T I love you! It'll all work out! I'm prayin' for ya friend!!