A - Age: 23
B - Bed size: {do NOT laugh} twin. Yes, I'm 23 yrs. old and never advance from the teenage twin
C - Chore you hate: Unloading the dishwasher! I don't mind loading it, but I cant stand unloading
D – Dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookie Monster from Cheddars
E - Essential to start your day: Music
F - Favorite flower: Easter Lilly and Pink Roses
G- Gold or Silver: Both
H - Height: 5'2 {no shortie jokes}
I - Instruments you play(ed): Tried Piano and flute but....
J - Job you had in high school: No job through High school
L - Lunch spots: Bagel Company Downtown
M - Mom's Name: Marilyn
N - Newest item bought: Exotic coconut lotion/spray from Bath & Body--My summer MUST
O - Overnight hospital stay: Only to stay with my aunt Carolyn when she was in or when my nephew was born.
P - Pet Peeve: Fake people
Q- Quote from a movie: "Just Breathe" Ever After...I say this to myself ALL THE TIME
R - Right or left handed: Right but i can do left if i had too
S - Siblings: nada...BUT I have a older guy cousin who is pretty much like my big brother, "hence" his son is my nephew
T - Time you wake up: Depends. I'm NOT a morning person and I LOVE my sleep. But 8 to go pick up my aunt in the mornings from work {shes a night CNA}
U - Underarm deodorant?: ALWAYS and Degree for Women
V - Very surprising fact: I'm one of the most girlie's people to know and hate camping and such but SURPRISING enough, I LOVE to fish. I have NO problem cutting up worms for my little cousins. Bet you didnt see that one coming HAHA
W - Ways you run late: Me late? Neverrrrrr! {sarcasm}
X - X-rays you've had: my teeth {duh}, abdomen from food poison, my wrist when it got slammed by an automatic door at the hospital, my back when I was hit by a drunk driver. Yeah umm...things happened.
Y - Yummy food you make: Fruit pizza. Mini cheesecakes.
Z - Zoo animal: Penguins make me happy :)
Thanks Ann for the Idea! Tomorrow will be a solid post with a story!