Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's Hair DYE EveryOne!

Wow! Two in one day--This is impressive by my standards! As you already know my Dear sweet little stinker of a best friend Jenny--"Jenneroo" as I call her--Is getting married. She came over after work today so we could further continue the endless wedding plans. We went out to dinner at my uncles restaurant---Have I've ever mentioned my Uncle opened a Restaurant???---Anywho, we were having a wonderful dinner when the little stinker announces that she DESPERATELY needs her hair re-dyed! This weekend her and Justin are having their Engagement Pictures taken, so after dinner, off we go to wonderful Wal-Mart. Jenny just love the Camera so we thought we would document our experience--Don't worry folks, I'm an expert at hair dying from a box, I've been Jenneroo's personal hair dyer for years! Yep, I'm a Pro!
So let the good times roll...

Nice & Easy Clairol-Can't go wrong There~
Alright, here is the moment where I was mixing the dye and the bottle slipped alittle and the dye was falling toward my mother's prize dining room table! As you can see Tierra was freaking out just alittle and yelling "GET...A...PAPER...TOWEL...!!!"
Jenneroo "Before" Picture
WOW...Look at those ROOTS! And the lovely scooby doo band-aid LOL

Jenneroo "After" Picture--Her hair actually went alittle darker then the box color,OOPS!
Jenneroo = Stunning Hair! Take that Nice & Easy hair models!

2 Lovely FeedBack:

Kathy Finch said...

You did a great job --- now fly out here! I need to do my roots! It is always better to have help and way more fun. plus you don't miss any spots!

The Larsen's said...

Tierra, Get yourself down here to Utah. I desperately need a new hair style, some highlights, etc. Please hurry!