Monday, May 5, 2008


Read Me! Read Me! Read Me! Read Me!

Alright, I want everyone to picture Tierra reluctantly cleaning her kitchen. It’s been a pretty good day. She’s a little tired but not ready for bed. She’s slowly but surely finishing putting everything cleaned and away. She then makes her way to the computer. Checks her email. Writes a few messages to friends. And as usually she checks the Twilight Lexicon for any recent news about the movie Twilight. That’s when it all happened folks! Tierra starts to SCREAM! Like a little teenager, she screams and starts shouting “Oh Happy Day” over and over.

So for my big announcement, the Twilight movie Teaser was released tonight and Tierra couldn’t be more happy then she is at this moment. So as stated at the top of this post, I again PLEAD to continue on reading and reading. Yes, this is a long one but I figured that while I post the teaser, I want you all to know the facts about Twilight. Why I fell so in love with this book series. Meet the characters. So please for my sake---It will make me happy---indulge me and read all of this. After which watch the first video I’m posting which aired a few weeks ago. It’s the “Meet the Cast” Video and sorta tells the story and then FINALLY watch the Teaser Trailer that just went up today. It’s what made---is making---Tierra Light up like the 4th of July!
Oh and Christy, if your reading this call me please! ~ Happy reading & Watching ~ Tierra

Facts first to know:
1. Tierra refused… ABSOLUTLEY refused to read this book at first! I love to read but to me and I’m sure to all of you at first, Anything about Vampires just DID NOT interest me or ever has. I remember going to the book store in December doing Christmas shopping and finally asked to see about this Twilight book I’d been hearing about and see what the back book cover said. Once I had found out from the clerk that it was a love story about Vampires….Tierra immediately puts the book back down.

2. It wasn’t until early February strolling through Books A Million that the Twilight cover catches my eye again {I’m a sucker for shiny book covers} I pick it up and look at the back of the book to the “About the Author” page that I realize that this Author Stephenie Meyer graduated from BYU. Any Mormon knows that that means 99.9 chance this young woman is a Mormon as well. So again, the Author is a member of my church. Score Brownie point 1 from me : ) And I go ahead an buy the book. I remember saying to myself…”If I don’t like it, I’ll be really careful w/ it and bring it back”…That book is so used now, No one would buy it LOL

3. After a lot of persuasion from Christy I finally started reading and was hooked by chpt 2.
When I was finished {which only took me 1 day an ½}, I just couldn’t believe it. I was in AWW of such a sweet endearing love story.

Book Outline:
Twilight is a book based on a dream that the author--Stephenie Meyer--- had one night. Yes, that’s right A DREAM! When she woke up, she just couldn’t get this couple that she had seen in her dream out of her head. In the dream she saw this beautiful guy---that’s how Edward is describe in the book--and this average girl in a meadow and having a conversation on how they were falling in love w/ each other But at the same time she could sense that this guy wanted to kill her because he was a vampire. So the next day, even though she had tons of stuff to do, She set down at her computer and started to write…. Explore who these people were, Why they were falling in love.

Meet the Main Characters:
Bella Swan -17 yrs. Old.-Average beauty-Very smart
Edward Cullen-17yrs old IN LOOKS-Utterly Beautiful-Vampire-super smart-Can read minds BUT for some reason {this has still yet to be figured out} not Bella’s!

The Story:
The story starts as Bella leaves for and arrives in Forks. Her mother has just recently remarried and so to give her mother some privacy she moves in with her father in this little town in Washington state that just happens to be one of the rainiest states in the country. Upon her first day at school. Bella notices this group of people sitting in the lunch room at a table far away from everyone else and that they are just utterly beautiful.
She learns from a new friend that this is the Cullen family and that they don’t socialize with anyone. But, her eye immediately catches to the youngest looking one [Edward] The friend tells Bella that the Cullen kids belong to Dr. and Mrs. Cullen But that Dr. & Mrs. Cullen are only {guessing} in their very early thirties. The Cullen kids were adopted. But, strangely some of them are couples together. But, Edward is the only one whose single.

I won’t go into the whole story But What I want you to know and remember is that this Book series is about Edward & Bella and their love story--hence the only way Tierra fell in love w/ this book. The author likes to describe it as a true love that trumps true love. The unconditional do ANYTHING or risk everything for the other. Bella in the book describes Edward as not the love of her life but the love of her existence. That is the reason why Tierra is soooo drawn to this story. I mean what would you do to find this deep soul to soul kind of love?

Facts to KNOW and Remember:

1. Yes, the Cullen family are indeed Vampires BUT BUT they are VERY GOOD vampires. The only feed off of animals. Since the Author is a member of my church {though this is not a church book} I see the beliefs and values she has winded throughout the series. Mainly that you always have your free agency. No matter what life has given you and what has happened, you still have the choice between good and Evil. Right and wrong. The Cullen’s no matter what they are or I should say what they became- they choose to still be good citizens in this life. To choose the right in their situation. The family unit is the heart in there survival.

2. To Edward, Bella is that thing he has found and was always missing for the last centuries he’s been alive.

3. They do not have fangs
4. Some have super abilities-- for instance, Edward can read minds. His sister Alice can see the future. Jasper {which his ability is my favorite} can calm emotions.
5. Another thing to know when you see the movie or read the books is forget everything you have ever seen or thought of for a vampire.
6. In reading the book you completely forget your reading about a vampire family. For I saw them as just a Family. Doing what other families do.

Where their at Now:
The film is almost complete and hopefully the other books will follow as well. In the books, were all waiting for the last book in August to come out which will conclude what happens to Edward & Bella. I’ll go ahead and tell you their struggling on what to make of their future. So far each book takes you on a roller coaster of emotions. Questions have still yet to be answered. Why cant Edward read Bella’s mind? Will Edward finally let Bella become Vampire? Poor girl has been struggling to be turned into one for the last two books LOL

I really hope your all still with me. I know this is a long one, But I just love to share the things that interest me the most and this is top dog # 1 The story is compelling and very romantic and suspenseful. I hope you all will take a chance and get to know Edward & Bella as I have. To sum them up, Bella is a girl who really has lead a pretty average life. She’s not your plain Jane nor utterly Beautiful. She’s smart and takes care of her parents. And really is more grown up then most teenagers her age. She’s a good girl. And Edward is a good guy. He was born in 1901 and so for him he’s really this really smart gentleman who is very mature. And through the ages he’s seen just about everything and has everything but never fell in love… Until one girl, who to Bella, doesn’t really stand out at all but to Edward, stood out the most.

Below is the first tape that was released to introduce the cast. Now, I think it shows more of the action in the film which does take place in the book but wont come until then end of the movie or at least it should. IF YOU’VE READ THIS FAR--A MILLION TRILLION THANKS. Trust me, I still could go on for more but lucky you my aunt Carolyn gets to here it. The second tape is the MOST IMPORTANT! It’s the tape released today. The movie Teaser Trailer. Oh-Don't forget to turn off my music so you can hear everything! Wink & lot's of luvvvvs~ Tierra

Twilight in HD

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