Sunday, May 3, 2009

Shakespeare "The Rest is Silence"

{This picture is of the old train station thats just 3 minutes from my home. Everytime I pass it at night, and it's all lit up...I think about the 1940s and wartime. And all those men & women that had to say goodbye. After the train left... The rest was Silence.}

Dear Readers & Friends,
This week, I have been doing a lot of thinking. When I first started this blog, it was purely for a release. A way for me to let my life go on and to remember it by. So, as the months passed and more friends and comments started to come my way, it was like a rush. A happy rush like when you see you've got mail except "You've got Comments". We all know we love comments. You know you do, and I fully admit this.

So, here comes the rain. You start to put your heart and soul into posting. Sometimes sitting hours at the computer uploading pictures. For me, life was spent WAY to much time blogging then a life of living. And with that, they say to get more comments you have to comment back. It becomes addicting, let me tell ya. I admit this.

Now, have you ever noticed how you get more comments on something really random and fun but not the real inner you post that you want people to really see? If you answer no then well...good luck with that. If you answer yes, then you see where this is going. Hopefully.

So dear readers...I'm pulling the comment button for a month or two. I'm not going to be leaving commenting up. For how long? I don't really know. Maybe this is just from the mood I'm in or Maybe its been the rain we've had all week but for along time now...the comment cycle can be a rewarding one but yet addictive one. Does this mean, I wont be commenting to you? No. I will support my friends and comment away. But for me, I don't want you to feel like this blog is up just for the "blog fame" of it. Or that I am a commenter for comments. I shall still be around. But for now, maybe a month...maybe a few weeks, No comments on this blog. This past week, Feelings were hurt and the comments just to get comments thing does not sit with me. The whole blog fame of it doesn't matter. Blogging and commenting should be for fun. To uplift. To comment for the right reason not just so you can receive a comment back on your blog. So with this, I bid my commenting for my blog a bittersweet farewell.

As for the rest, I want to get back to why I started this blog in the first place. The thrill of posting just for fun and for family friends to have a peek. So, please continue if you like, as a silent snooper...You have my permission.

As for the Shakespeare said..." the rest is Silence"