Wednesday, September 1, 2010

to the beach & song obessed "mine" {taylor Swift}

it's 4:54 am. AM! and for some reason, i just cant sleep. i'm leaving in less then 3 hours for one final summer vacation but yet a very important one. my nephew (did you know he's lucky enough to live at the beach?) will be turning 8 years old this friday. and for that, i wouldnt miss it for all the tea in's a good thing i don't drink tea (!!) LOL. so, my suitcase is just about packed and my toes are painted a lovely shade of hot pink. my ipod is charged with freshly new purchased driving (tuning out my aunts) songs and my beach bag is filled with books to escape too. this friday, I have a scheduled post that will be popping up while i'm gone but let me draw your attention to the music video below. did you know i heart taylor swift? like, i can sing every song off both her albums sorta way :) well, her latest song "mine" was just released and i immediately bought it off of itunes. i thought, cute, catchy...but not one of my faves. HOWEVER, when i saw her music video that goes with it last night....i fell in love! i'm freakin obsessed with how cute it is (minus a few cheesy cheesy looks now and then) srsly. I adore it! please watch it. like, all the way. it makes me wish it was some sappy chic flick i could watch play out over and over. go a head, click it.

Taylor Swift - Mine from Stephen Murray on Vimeo.