Tuesday, September 7, 2010


that would be exactly one hundred and seventy four pictures i have on my camera, plus about 6 videos that i have to go through, crop, touch up, and zap out any pimple that you'll never know was there in my pictures! isnt modern day thingys great? well, with that, I. AM. HOME. and summer IS. OVER. how sad is that? i think this week at the beach, i truly enjoyed summer the most. now, i know nobody really likes to read just ol' boring post with no pictures but i sorry. i have laundery i've been doing all day. sand to dejunk from places i have no clue how it got there and swollen feet that came out of the blue to come down! and i'm diiiiiieeeeing to see my friends. maybe tomorrow? later this week? well, will see. and it won't be the hundred and seventy four :)
while on this trip i discovered a few things i would like to share. uh-hum...clearing my throat. flexing my fingers...okay, ready to type. 1. my ipod is the best invention in the history of the world!!!!!!!!! my aunts, though, i love them...DROVE ME INSANE while in the car. Hence...my ipod became my best friend. 2. an old man with a tan darker then mine in a speedo is a def. fashion NO NO. end of story (i have a picture!!!!) 3. the beach or by a pool with a book, sun out and hot and wearing a bathing suit is tierra's ultimate happy place. end of story. 4. never in my life have i felt more confident in a bathing suit and walking around the resort without stressing over covering up. 5. wal-mart people are stupid. end of story. 6. i wore just about every color in the rainbow and didnt even realize i packed or owned that much color. 7. strawberry Italian ice on the beach in 105 degrees HITS. THE. SPOT. and finally 8. i recieved the MOST HILARIOUS comment i have ever been given EVER!!!!...."your one fine piece of the swirl" was said to me by some bubba in the hottub one night LOL (story on that one to come later)

summer. i'm going to miss you. i'm going to miss the color of the sky and how blue blue it gets around 1:30 in the afternoon. I'm going to miss Popsicles and mint ice-cream hitting your tong when you think you just can't take the heat one more second. I'm going to miss that gush of wind that picks up the back of your hair and restores you through the next minute. I'm going to miss that feeling of taking a cool shower and then sitting on the front porch in night heat and feeling so so clean and refreshed. but, as they say, all good things must come to an end. and with that, this post needs to end.