Thursday, August 12, 2010

notebooks and conversation

for the next few weeks, I feel like I'm going to need about a BA-zillion of these little beauties. well, okay fine. at least one! I stumbled upon these sweet little darlings just a moment ago and just had to share. these hand made covered note books are so pretty! and can be found & purchased here. as a firm 1000% list/note book/paper fanatic, this is right up my style. anywho, things are going to get a little stressful for me in the next few weeks. i realized today that the relief society activity is next week. did you hear that?!? NEXT. WEEK. and then to add to my plate of planning, my nephew was in this week from myrtle beach for a short visit and we discussed his upcoming/fast approaching 8th birthday. i was hoping to steer clear of having to plan a party and worrying about entertaining 20 something kids. notice i said "hoping". the conversation went like this.

me: hey you not-so-little-anymore-stinkeroo, don't you want to have just a nice, fun, just family, party and day at the water park for your birthday? i'll even make Darth Vader cupcakes?
(praying that sealed the deal)

nephew/stud: no. {said very firmly}

me: but what if we spent the entire day riding all your favorite water rides and topped off the night with mini putt put and fireworks on the boardwalk?
{I don't know about you all but that was a pretty killer deal}

nephew/stud/being a stubborn stinker: but it's MY birthday. my 8TH birthday! what about my friends? {said while rolling on the floor like it's the end of the world}

me: { rolling eyes...walking away}

dear myrtle beach. can we make some killer deals on birthday party attractions? like asap? wait. what was that? you want to charge me $30 dollars per child at the water park?
ARE YOU INSANE?! well guess what, i'm not! no, thank you.

dear tierra. guess you better get cracken on that planning!
ps. just incase you might be wondering.
no, were not taking him to the beach for his birthday.
he lives there.
and yes, i am jealous of it every single of my life that my brother of all places, got lucky enough to find a job {he's a WAY boring PGA golfer} at the beach. we are going down for a week for my nephews birthday. we are not crazy people taking a child to the beach just for his birthday. just FYI.