Friday, August 6, 2010

being his little girl

dear daddy. i'm coming to see you today. i'm ever so excited. as i write this, my new dress with my new cardigan is hanging up and just waiting for me to change and be on the road. of course, your ever faithful daughter will most likely be late. but then again my ever so faithful father is always late. haha. did you make granny's potato salad? i hope so. it's my favorite. i also love the fact that you love that it's my favorite. there are so many things i want to speak with you about. some many things i want to hear from you. but you know what? really and truly, at this very moment, all i want is a hug. just one small moment of my head on your shoulder and you telling me that i'm your baby girl. and i am. i always will be. see you soon! love, me.