Sunday, August 7, 2011

the honest files {let's get real here}

a few weeks back a dear blog friend posted a real honest to goodness, tell it like it is post. i absolutely stood up and applauded her! i thought it was brilliant in every way. cause, really. let's be honest. our lives are not as cute and put together as our blogs look. or that post that took hours to post of how clean our cabinets are. or how beautiful that picture of such  posted of how super decorated her living room was blah blah blah. what we all don't see in such posts as those, especially if there my posts is that HUGE, gigantic pile of laundry and  undies and towels in my hallway that get left there for weeks!

so tonight, i thought it would be fun to dish out the dirt. to say what i really want to say! and as honest abe would say...always tell the truth *said with a really big grin*

first off, I LOVE TO READ HISTORICAL ROMANCE NOVELS! there, i said it. yep, that's right. you know the ones with the really sensual pictures (though a lot are not like that anymore...just sayin) on the front? i have about hundred or so of them. and love every minute of it! a dashing young man with a title in england and some wallflower young maiden standing against the wall not dancing at a ball who finally get's her chance -sighs!..... or what about the the 1500's Scottish lord who has to marry the girl in order to save his lands.....adore it! though i do for reals...make sure there not the steamy steamy ones! truth.

i only shave my legs maybe......twice a week...maybe. and i have no shame going to target or oldnavy and such in shorts or capries with my hairy legs showing if your really interested in looking!

if you ever drive with me, then you must know i have road rage. little ol' grandmas on the road....MOVE IT!
as i drive by you with my black shades on from gap with the radio blasting or my ipod on shuffle.

when it comes to comments, i really only comment if i have anything to say and i feel like it. and as for comments on my own really started to bug me that people wouldn't comment when i just new you were reading/looking.So, i knew i was contradicting my own self  and  took them off.

in the mornings, pleaaasssse for the love of all thats holy, don't speak to me! i hate chatter after i have just woken up. hate it! annnnnd never speak to me when i'm watching a tv show or you can clearly see that i'm reading something.

i can't stand it when people  have bad grammer on facebook. or do not put periods to finish a sentence.
ummm hello? that's what the red underline is for!

if your ever at my house, 85% of the's a mess. i work at the hospital lonnnnng hours and so coming home around 9 or 10's the last thing i would ever want to do. clean. so just hallway will probably be full of piled up laundry or the living room full of books and magazines and what ever night shorts i threw under the couch. the dining room table piled with young women crafts and handouts and whatever house project i'm working on.

i'm addicted to organizing everything. everything has to have a label and a cute basket in the shelves to be placed in. and i'm being really honest. it will drive me nut's to not have my cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom organized an labeled!

and finally...tierra does indeed let some words slip out fly. ever since i was a little girl and i watched the ending scene of Rhett Butler walk out on Scarlett as he says "Frankly my dear, i just don't give a damn..." it became a lifelong goal/bucket list hopeful to say that to some one an SOOOO mean it!

well, there you have it for now! i hope you took this as fun and laughable. like you all don't have your honest secrets too! until next time.....i'm going to go finish my book (and it's NOT a romance novel...for now anway LOL) goodnight!