Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Scarlett Red

I adore Scarlett O'Hara. truly, I do. when I was little, I can remember the first time i ever watched Gone with the Wind. to me, it was so full color. lot's of color. i mean, me, being probably about 7 or so and not really taking in what the film was about, i just saw all the gorgeous dresses in different colors and wishing i had some like them to play dress up in or at least my barbies. then about 12 i saw it again on tv with my mom and i really took in the story.

now. yes, alas... to those who have seen it, Scarlett is a complete B$%^&! LOL in the most fashionable way of course. but, lets be honest here. Scarlett takes care of business. she completely takes control of her life and sets out to do exactly what she sets out to do! even if it's the wrong thing, she at least sees it through. and then there's Rhett Butler! LAH dont even get me going on how men are just not made like that any more!

Okay, so my point.

my life right now is a big basket case of ridiculous, cheesy, grinning like a fool, heart racing, can't sleep, can't read (GASP, I know right?) can't even really think straight of emotions(!!!)----> all because of this past weekend.

yep. that's right. this weekend, things have changed. and with that, here i sit, wishing i had just an ounce of power and control that scarlett had....all because tierra has a new guy in her life. (SQUEEEEEE)

well, dear readers, do you want the story? like, really?

truly? as in, you'll actually read the story of "us"???

well, you'll just have to tune in later to find out!

(i know, i'm cruel) (but i'm still getting over this bronchitis crud and i just took my meds and it's getting ready to knock me out)

PS. when ever i see him, i turn Scarlett red! It's annoying as heck but what can you do, right?