Monday, July 12, 2010

just some thoughts...

{lemons for some reason make me think of "fresh starts". even though my life is good, every once in a while, i get in itch for changes. something new. fresh. and to me that says lemons}

today. started off rough. meaning aka that not so wanted "monthly friend" decided to make an appearance. i don't like this guest. and it's certainly not my friend. alas, i must endure.

my summer this year has being going pretty blah lately. you see, i work. at a hospital. and with that, i work a lot. my friends and i make tons of plans to go places but it always fall through.

sometimes I think about my blog and i wish i had the heart to just delete and start a new. i like fresh starts. with a nice clean slate. i look back at some of my older posts and i just can't stand them. hence the "let's start a new". i really want a "new look" but i'm to busy to sit and make one.

this post is really whiny. oooh i guess i should turn this around. okay. some of my other fellow bloggers list what their thankful for at the end of there post. so for me, today....I'm thankful for my aunt Carolyn. for all that she does. i'm also thankful for toilet paper. i mean, really. where would the world be with out it? let's not go there lol. i'm also thankful for air conditioning. this July heat/humidity is awful! i'm also thankful for books. really people, the keep me comforted like an old song.