ATTENTION dear readers: since I'm still couching up a lung and do not feel like writing the story of me and my new fellow and making it all blog worthy fun to read....You'll just have to read the massive email I sent this past Monday to my cousins alexa and carrie via facebook. honestly it's pretty cheesy and long writing if you ask me but, it will just have to do. please take notice that it was written super fast so they would get it before i had left for work that day.
Another side note is to know that i work at our local hospital and I'm a dietitian's assistant. so i'm around a lot of our cooks and chefs for the department. Okay, carry on as I go take my meds and proceed to be knocked out again LOL
GIRLS!!!! Okay. this is going to be long so here goes....
for the past 5 months there is this guy at my work that was hired that i have had a crush on. his name is Chase and he is a chef. well, we've sorta been doing this...he's looking at me, im looking at him but neither of us are saying anything that we might like each other. just a lot of moments where i could feel him watching me and me always looking at the schedule to see if he might be working the same nights as me. but really, nothing had ever happened and we were constantly on opposite shifts so i would just let it slide.....
i really cant explain it well but something changed majorly this weekend. I went into work on friday and saw that for once we would be working the same shift that night and would be working kinda close around the other... and so we actually got to talk a lot more. to know Chase is to know that he's very quiet. he's not one to start the conversation and he's kinda serious. he's the type that he just does his job and stay's out of any drama that is always going on with somebody at the hospital. but to me, we've always talked or flirted LOL in those sarcastic yet not mean flirting ways :)
So, again friday, I could just feel that things were different. we were talking longer and i was def. wondering if just maybe....maybe he might be feeling something too. so, sat. i worked (dieing while in the process from this wretched crud but no more sick leave for tierra so i had to carry through!!!!!) and he was not there. but when i came in on sunday...there he was. so, i of course went up to him and was kinda flirting (looking absolutely HORRID, alexa, you would be ashamed *sad face*) and asked him what in the world was he doing there on his weekend off.
his reply...."because your here tonight"
insert tierra blushing and grinning really goofy like and trying to brush it off by saying "oh yeah right,...seriously, did some one call in and they called you?"
he said " well yes actually but when they called, I asked who would be working that night and if you were on the schedule and they said yes, so i agreed to come on in"
insert tierra completely red faced again and not sure what to say to that...
I think i just laughed and tried to keep insisting that he was joking.
After that, i went right up to my supervisor and before i could even start talking she said "dont even ask. yep it's completely true"
i said "how do you know what i'm going to ask" and which she points to my very flushed face and big grin and said that indeed, when she called Chase that morning, he had asked if i was on the schedule and would come in for that.
my brain at that point was just, well, not working!!!
also to note that i have been pretty sick lately so i was not really feeling that well and Chase could tell, he was always asking if there was anything he needed to get for me and asking if i was okay.
when it got to be about 5:50 pm, i noticed he was cleaning up his work area and he wasn't suppose to go home until 6:30, so i asked what he was doing. he said that since they called him in, he came early and had to leave by 6 so not to get any extra over time.
i have to admit, i was pretty bummed :( so, we started talking for just bit and i was telling him how it would be my luck that after he leaves, a bunch of orders from patients will be printed and that i would have to be the one to fill them ( im used to that but i was just teasing)....
so, he just kinda laughed and we both went back to work. then around 6:15, i noticed he hadn't left yet and so i told him he was past his time and that i didn't want him to get in to trouble.
he said that he had decided to go a head and stay till 6:30 just in case we had anymore orders cause i wasnt feeling well and he didnt want me to do them by myself.
i was completely flattered by then but i told him he really shouldnt stay because we get lectured a lot in my department if we go over out time....
that's when he said that he had already clocked out at 6.
ALEXA!! CARRIE!! he stayed pretty much a whole hour and worked while i was the one still on the clock and just stood there and talked while he was not getting paid!!!
well, after he finally left, i couldnt concentrate at. all!!!!!
theres lots more to tell but you'll just have to call me :)
I have no clue what this means LOL but i guess will see...