Hello Everyone! I made this blog for just update purposes for family and friends who I'm not able to chat with on a day to day bases. First a little info on me. My name is Tierra and I've always loved my name. It's just not a typical name you hear alot, so I've always cherished it. I'm 21 yrs. old and will soon be 22 on November the 5th! I'm absolutely thrilled to be turning 22. I have huge plans for that Birthday and can't wait for the event! I live in a small city on the borders of Tennessee and Virgina called Bristol. I live on the TN side, born and raised and very proud to be a Tennessee girlie! A few of the things I adore is first, my little buddy, my nephew Angelus. I know weird name but he is the most absolute handsome little man you've ever seen! No Lie! I simply heart him to death! He'll be turning 5 on September 3rd and he such the stud.
My family is important beyond words and I'm happy to have a small part in it. Big families with of a few weird aunts here and there just makes the saying "never a dull moment" reality. I have Lot's of cousins, So I've never known what it's like to be lonely. My Aunt Carolyn is my rock and my Mama number 2. She's always taught me to look for all the "good things" in life.
I'm sure everyone probably knows by now but I lost my mother in May of this year. Something that was extremely unexpected and always a deep part of me in which is too much to bear. But, I've learned something over the last few months is that, Life moves on even when your not looking. When Angelus started Pre-K this year I realized how wonderful Time moves along with just the simply magic of every day to day things. I miss her more then sometimes my mind can understand and my heart always brakes when I'm alone. But, I move along in this life living normally as I can. Keeping my mama in my self at all times knowing that if I need her, She will always come. For I was her little girl an meant more to her then life.
As for some other things of me, I love to be girlie girl. I'm spoiled beyond measure but I know the meaning of hard work for the almighty dollar. Purses, Shoes, Make-Up, Clothes, Perfume always puts me in a good mood. When I was little my grandmother used to call me prissy-tale and boy did she mean it! Going to the movies is probably one of my MOST favorite things to do. But, I warn you, if it doesn't have a love interest in it, Heaven help you, I won't go! Final! Action plus romance or chic flicks makes me giddy! My passion is learning and studying anything from the 18th & 19th turn of the century period. I'm your whole Jane Austen kinda gal and love learning about Great Britain History, Royalty, and Aristocracy! I'll drop whatever I'm doing to watch it, read it, buy it, and anything of it! I have a great passion for reading and I love to collect quotes for my quote book.
I'm a decorating, Organizing, Cleaning fanatic but I do know how to make mess! When my house is clean, I go alittle OCD about it but when it starts to do go down hill I just let it and pay for Later. I'm always late by at least 8 minutes and I loose my glasses and keys all the time.
I have some of the best girlfriends a lady good ask for and were absolutely Boy crazy. Oh do we Heart Boys!
I work here in Bristol at the local Hospital and love talking with people. Smiling and asking them how there day is, Is very important to me. What can I say, I'm a talker. Music simply let's me survive each day and is a must in car, shower, kitchen, elevators, and in any where else. I love getting to know people and asking question so look out, I'm nosy! As for the final comes my faith and Church. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and who I am is a reflection of my religion. I have a very strong testimony of the gospel and knowledge of my standards. It's who I am, Who I will marry, and How I plan to raise my family some day. It's of all the good things in life and a faith what is to come. The Lord has given me so many blessings that I'm always mindful and Thankful. One of my favorite hymns is "Come Thou Font" and theres a line that goes, "Come Thou Font of Every Blessing, Tune Thy Heart to Sing Thy Grace." And with said that, This is me.